2021-12-21 10:57:31 -08:00

27 lines
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const { I, data, loginPage } = inject();
Then('shopper is able to click tab to create account', () => {
Then('shopper is able fill out registration information with new email', () => {
loginPage.createAccount(data.login.fName, data.login.lName, data.login.phone, data.login.newRegEmail, data.login.password);
Then('shopper is able fill out registration information with existing email', () => {
loginPage.createAccount(data.login.fName, data.login.lName, data.login.phone, data.login.email, data.login.password);
Then('shopper is able to click the create account button', () => {
I.click(locate(loginPage.locators.primaryButton).withText('Create Account'));
// TODO If you see an error then we'll know it's good, but it's also good if you see a dashboard
Then('shopper sees a username is invalid error', () => {
Then('shopper does not see a username is invalid error', () => {