Max G fcee24a61d Added a night mode and no way to toggle it!
Tweaked a lot of styles and added some cool animations
Added a little to the help text
Quickly adding a note, saving and closing no longer causes half formed or empty notes to appear
Close Editor animation
Display cards text show at the bottom of card
Added a delete function, and it works
Added browser title attributes
More debugging and error checking on scraped links
Updated not search to display title and text below the title
2019-07-29 07:22:47 +00:00


A Vue.js project

Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report

For a detailed explanation on how things work, check out the guide and docs for vue-loader.