Max G 9c4fff7913 * Removed arrows from notification
* Added trash can function
* Tweaked status text to always be the same
* Removed some open second note code
* Edior always focuses on text now
* Added some extra loading note messages
* Notes are now removed from search index when deleted
* Lots more things happen and update in real time on multiple machines
* Shared notes can be reverted
* WAY more tests
* Note Categories are much more reliable
* Lots of code is much cleaner
2020-05-18 07:45:35 +00:00

1167 lines
33 KiB

let db = require('@config/database')
let Note = module.exports = {}
let Tags = require('@models/Tag')
let Attachment = require('@models/Attachment')
let ShareNote = require('@models/ShareNote')
let ProcessText = require('@helpers/ProcessText')
const DiffMatchPatch = require('@helpers/DiffMatchPatch')
const crypto = require('crypto')
const cs = require('@helpers/CryptoString')
const rp = require('request-promise');
const fs = require('fs')
const gm = require('gm')
Note.test = (userId, masterKey, printResults) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let testNoteId = 0
let testNoteId2 = 0
let sharedNoteId = 0 //ID of note shared with user
const shareUserId = 61
Note.create(userId, 'Random Note','With Random Text dogs', masterKey)
.then( newNoteId => {
if(printResults) console.log('Test: Created Note -> ', newNoteId)
return Note.create(userId, 'Yo, note','a second test note cheese mate', masterKey)
.then( newNoteId => {
if(printResults) console.log('Test: Created Note -> ', newNoteId)
testNoteId2 = newNoteId
//Create a blank note to test updating note and reindexing it
return Note.create(userId, '','', masterKey)
.then(newNoteId => {
if(printResults) console.log('Test: Created Note -> ', newNoteId)
testNoteId = newNoteId
return Note.update
(userId, testNoteId, 'Note text', 'Test Note beans Title', 0, 0, 0, 'hash', masterKey)
.then(() => {
if(printResults) console.log('Test: Update Note '+testNoteId+' - Pass')
return Note.get(userId, testNoteId, masterKey)
.then(() => {
if(printResults) console.log('Test: Open Updated Note - Pass')
return Note.reindex(userId, masterKey)
.then(() => {
if(printResults) console.log('Test: Reindex normal note - Pass')
return Note.encryptedIndexSearch(userId, 'beans', null, masterKey)
.then(textSearchResults => {
if(textSearchResults['ids'] && textSearchResults['ids'].length >= 1){
if(printResults) console.log('Test: Normal Note Search Index - Pass')
} else { console.log('Test: Search Index - Fail') }
return ShareNote.migrateNoteToShared(userId, testNoteId, shareUserId, masterKey)
.then(({success, shareUserId, sharedUserNoteId}) => {
if(printResults) console.log('Test: Set Note To Shared - Pass')
sharedNoteId = sharedUserNoteId
return Note.get(userId, testNoteId, masterKey)
.then(() => {
if(printResults) console.log('Test: Open Shared Note - Pass')
return Note.update
(userId, testNoteId, 'Shared Update', 'Test Note yarnsmarf Title', 0, 0, 0, 'hash', masterKey)
.then(() => {
if(printResults) console.log('Test: Update Shared Note - Pass')
return Note.reindex(userId, masterKey)
.then( reindexResults => {
if(printResults) console.log(`Test: Reindex Notes - ${reindexResults?'Pass':'Fail'}`)
return Note.encryptedIndexSearch(userId, 'yarnsmarf', null, masterKey)
.then(textSearchResults => {
if(textSearchResults['ids'] && textSearchResults['ids'].length >= 1){
if(printResults) console.log('Test: Search Index - Pass')
} else { console.log('Test: Search Index - Fail') }
return Note.delete(userId, testNoteId, masterKey)
.then(results => {
if(printResults) console.log('Test: Delete Note - Pass')
return Note.encryptedIndexSearch(userId, 'yarnsmarf', null, masterKey)
.then(textSearchResults => {
if(textSearchResults['ids'] && textSearchResults['ids'].length == 0){
if(printResults) console.log('Test: Search Deleted Note Text - Pass')
} else { console.log('Test: Search Deleted Note Text - Fail') }
return Note.delete(shareUserId, sharedNoteId)
.then(() => {
if(printResults) console.log('Test: Delete Shared Note - Pass')
return ShareNote.migrateNoteToShared(userId, testNoteId2, shareUserId, masterKey)
.then(({success, shareUserId, sharedUserNoteId}) => {
if(printResults) console.log('Test: Created Another New Shared Note - pass')
return ShareNote.removeUserFromShared(userId, testNoteId2, sharedUserNoteId, masterKey)
.then(() => {
if(printResults) console.log('Test: Unshared New Shared Note -> convert back to normal note - pass')
return Note.get(userId, testNoteId2, masterKey)
.then(() => {
if(printResults) console.log('Test: Decrypt unshared note - pass')
let User = require('@models/User')
return User.deleteUser(userId, '1')
.then(results => {
if(printResults) console.log('Test: Delete User Account - Pass')
return resolve('Test: Complete ---')
//User doesn't have an encrypted note set. Encrypt all notes
Note.encryptEveryNote = (userId, masterKey) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
//Select all the user notes
JOIN note_raw_text ON ( = note.note_raw_text_id)
WHERE salt IS NULL AND user_id = ? AND shared = 0`, [userId])
.then((rows, fields) => {
let foundNotes = rows[0]
console.log('Encrypting user notes ',rows[0].length)
// return resolve(true)
let allTheUpdates = []
let timeoutAdder = 0
foundNotes.forEach(note => {
timeoutAdder += 100
const newUpdate = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('Encrypting Note ',
const created = Math.round((+new Date)/1000)
const salt = cs.createSmallSalt()
const noteText = note.text
const noteTitle = note.title
const snippet = JSON.stringify([noteTitle, noteText.substring(0, 500)])
const noteSnippet = cs.encrypt(masterKey, salt, snippet)
const textObject = JSON.stringify([noteTitle, noteText])
const encryptedText = cs.encrypt(masterKey, salt, textObject)
.query('UPDATE note_raw_text SET title = ?, text = ?, snippet = ?, salt = ? WHERE id = ?',
[null, encryptedText, noteSnippet, salt, note.note_raw_text_id])
.then(() => {
}, timeoutAdder)
Promise.all(allTheUpdates).then(done => {
console.log('Indexing first 100')
return Note.reindex(userId, masterKey)
}).then(results => {
//Returns insertedId of new note
Note.create = (userId, noteTitle = '', noteText = '', masterKey) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if(userId == null || userId < 10){ reject('User Id required to create note') }
const created = Math.round((+new Date)/1000)
const salt = cs.createSmallSalt()
const snippetSalt = cs.createSmallSalt()
const snippetObj = JSON.stringify([noteTitle, noteText.substring(0, 500)])
const snippet = cs.encrypt(masterKey, snippetSalt, snippetObj)
const textObject = JSON.stringify([noteTitle, noteText])
const encryptedText = cs.encrypt(masterKey, salt, textObject)
.query(`INSERT INTO note_raw_text (text, salt, updated) VALUE (?, ?, ?)`, [encryptedText, salt, created])
.then( (rows, fields) => {
const rawTextId = rows[0].insertId
return db.promise()
.query('INSERT INTO note (user_id, note_raw_text_id, created, quick_note, snippet, snippet_salt, indexed) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,0)',
[userId, rawTextId, created, 0, snippet, snippetSalt])
.then((rows, fields) => {
if(SocketIo){'new_note_created', rows[0].insertId)
// Indexing is done on save
resolve(rows[0].insertId) //Only return the new note ID when creating a new note
// Called when a note is close
// Will attempt to reindex all notes that are flagged in database as not indexed
// Limit to 100 notes per batch
// removeId = array of Ids to remove, [122,223]
Note.reindex = (userId, masterKey, removeId = null) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if(!masterKey || masterKey.length == 0){
return reject('Master key needed for reindex')
let notIndexedNoteIds = []
let searchIndex = null
let searchIndexSalt = null
let foundNotes = null
let userPrivateKey = null
let User = require('@models/User')
User.generateKeypair(userId, masterKey)
.then(({publicKey, privateKey}) => {
userPrivateKey = privateKey
//First check if we have any notes to index
return db.promise().query(`
SELECT, text, salt, encrypted_share_password_key FROM note
JOIN note_raw_text ON note.note_raw_text_id =
WHERE indexed = 0 AND salt IS NOT NULL
AND user_id = ? LIMIT 100`, [userId])
.then((rows, fields) => {
//Halt execution if there are no new notes
foundNotes = rows[0]
//Remove ID from index but don't reindex text
if(removeId != null){
removeId.forEach(removeId => {
salt: null,
if(foundNotes.length == 0){
throw new Error('No new notes to index')
//Select search index, if it doesn't exist, create it
return db.promise().query(`SELECT * FROM user_encrypted_search_index WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1`, [userId])
.then((rows, fields) => {
if(rows[0].length == 0){
//Create search index entry, return an object
searchIndexSalt = cs.createSmallSalt()
//Select all user notes to recreate index
return db.promise().query(`
SELECT, text, salt, encrypted_share_password_key FROM note
JOIN note_raw_text ON note.note_raw_text_id =
WHERE user_id = ?`, [userId])
.then((rows, fields) => {
foundNotes = rows[0]
return db.promise().query("INSERT INTO user_encrypted_search_index (`user_id`, `salt`) VALUES (?,?)", [userId, searchIndexSalt])
.then((rows, fields) => {
//return a fresh search index
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resolve('{}') })
} else {
const row = rows[0][0]
searchIndexSalt = row.salt
//Decrypt search index and continue.
let decipheredSearchIndex = '{}'
if(row.index && row.index.length > 0){
//Decrypt json, do not parse json yet, we want raw text
decipheredSearchIndex = cs.decrypt(masterKey, searchIndexSalt, row.index)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resolve( decipheredSearchIndex ) })
.then(rawSearchIndex => {
if(rawSearchIndex == null){
throw new Error('Search Index Not Found/Decrypted')
searchIndex = rawSearchIndex
//Remove all instances of IDs from text
foundNotes.forEach(note => {
//Remove every instance of note id
const removeId = new RegExp(,"gm")
const removeDoubles = new RegExp(',,',"g")
// const removeTrail = new RegExp(',]',"g")
searchIndex = searchIndex
.replace(removeId, '')
.replace(removeDoubles, ',')
.replace(/,]/g, ']')
.replace(/\[\,/g, '[') //search [,
searchIndex = JSON.parse(searchIndex)
//Remove unused words, this may not be needed and it increases overhead
Object.keys(searchIndex).forEach(word => {
if(searchIndex[word].length == 0){
delete searchIndex[word]
//Process text of each note and add it to the index
let reindexQueue = []
let reindexTimer = 0
foundNotes.forEach(note => {
reindexTimer += 50
let reindexPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
if(masterKey == null || note.salt == null){
console.log('Error indexing note',
return resolve(true)
let currentNoteKey = masterKey
//Decrypt shared key if it exists
const encryptedShareKey = note.encrypted_share_password_key
if(encryptedShareKey != null){
currentNoteKey = crypto.privateDecrypt(userPrivateKey,
Buffer.from(encryptedShareKey, 'base64') )
//Decrypt text with proper key
const noteHtml = cs.decrypt(currentNoteKey, note.salt, note.text)
const rawText =
ProcessText.removeHtml(noteHtml) //Remove HTML
.replace(/style=".*?"/g,'') //Remove inline styles
.replace (/&#{0,1}[a-z0-9]+;/ig, '') //remove HTML entities
.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g, ' ') //Convert all to a-z only
.replace(/ +(?= )/g,'') //Remove double spaces
rawText.split(' ').forEach(word => {
//Skip small words
if(word.length <= 2){ return }
if(Array.isArray( searchIndex[word] )){
if(searchIndex[word].indexOf( ) == -1){
searchIndex[word].push( )
} else {
searchIndex[word] = [ ]
return resolve(true)
}, reindexTimer)
return Promise.all(reindexQueue)
.then(rawSearchIndex => {
const created = Math.round((+new Date)/1000)
const jsonSearchIndex = JSON.stringify(searchIndex)
const encryptedJsonIndex = cs.encrypt(masterKey, searchIndexSalt, jsonSearchIndex)
return db.promise().query("UPDATE user_encrypted_search_index SET `index` = ?, `last_update` = ? WHERE (`user_id` = ?) LIMIT 1",
[encryptedJsonIndex, created, userId])
.then((rows, fields) => {
return db.promise().query('UPDATE note SET `indexed` = 1 WHERE (`id` IN (?))', [notIndexedNoteIds])
.then((rows, fields) => {
// console.log('Indexd Note Count: ' + rows[0]['affectedRows'])
}).catch(error => {
console.log('Reindex Error:')
// Returns updated note text
Note.update = (userId, noteId, noteText, noteTitle, color, pinned, archived, hash, masterKey) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const now = Math.round((+new Date)/1000)
let noteSnippet = ''
let User = require('@models/User')
let userPrivateKey = null
User.getPrivateKey(userId, masterKey)
.then(privateKey => {
userPrivateKey = privateKey
return db.promise()
SELECT note_raw_text_id, salt, snippet_salt, encrypted_share_password_key FROM note
JOIN note_raw_text ON note_raw_text_id =
WHERE = ? AND user_id = ?`, [noteId, userId])
.then((rows, fields) => {
const textId = rows[0][0]['note_raw_text_id']
let salt = rows[0][0]['salt']
let snippetSalt = rows[0][0]['snippet_salt']
//Shared notes use encrypted key - decrypt key then decrypt note
const encryptedShareKey = rows[0][0].encrypted_share_password_key
if(encryptedShareKey != null){
masterKey = crypto.privateDecrypt(userPrivateKey,
Buffer.from(encryptedShareKey, 'base64') )
let encryptedNoteText = ''
//Create encrypted snippet
const snippet = JSON.stringify([noteTitle, noteText.substring(0, 500)])
noteSnippet = cs.encrypt(masterKey, snippetSalt, snippet)
//Encrypt note text
const textObject = JSON.stringify([noteTitle, noteText])
encryptedNoteText = cs.encrypt(masterKey, salt, textObject)
// @TODO - this needs some kind of rate limiting
// A note shared with a lot of users could do a ton of updates every save
//Update text snippet for all other shared users
db.promise().query('SELECT * FROM note WHERE note_raw_text_id = ? AND id != ?', [textId, noteId])
.then((rows, fields) => {
for (var i = 0; i < rows[0].length; i++) {
const otherNote = rows[0][i]
//Re-encrypt for other user
const updatedSnippet = cs.encrypt(masterKey, otherNote.snippet_salt, snippet)
db.promise().query('UPDATE note SET snippet = ? WHERE id = ?', [updatedSnippet,])['user_id']).emit('new_note_text_saved', {'noteId', hash})
//Update Note text
return db.promise()
.query('UPDATE note_raw_text SET text = ?, updated = ? WHERE id = ?', [encryptedNoteText, now, textId])
.then( (rows, fields) => {
//Update other note attributes
return db.promise()
.query('UPDATE note SET pinned = ?, archived = ?, color = ?, snippet = ?, indexed = 0 WHERE id = ? AND user_id = ? LIMIT 1',
[pinned, archived, color, noteSnippet, noteId, userId])
.then((rows, fields) => {
if(SocketIo){'new_note_text_saved', {noteId, hash})
//Async attachment reindex
Attachment.scanTextForWebsites(SocketIo, userId, noteId, noteText)
//Send back updated response
Note.setPinned = (userId, noteId, pinnedBoolean) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const pinned = pinnedBoolean ? 1:0
const now = Math.round((+new Date)/1000)
//Update other note attributes
return db.promise()
.query('UPDATE note JOIN note_raw_text ON note_raw_text_id = SET pinned = ?, updated = ? WHERE = ? AND user_id = ?',
[pinned, now, noteId, userId])
.then((rows, fields) => {'note_attribute_modified', noteId)
Note.setArchived = (userId, noteId, archivedBoolead) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const archived = archivedBoolead ? 1:0
const now = Math.round((+new Date)/1000)
//Update other note attributes
return db.promise()
.query('UPDATE note JOIN note_raw_text ON note_raw_text_id = SET archived = ?, updated = ? WHERE = ? AND user_id = ?',
[archived, now, noteId, userId])
.then((rows, fields) => {'note_attribute_modified', noteId)
Note.setTrashed = (userId, noteId, trashedBoolean) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const trashed = trashedBoolean ? 1:0
const now = Math.round((+new Date)/1000)
//Update other note attributes
return db.promise()
.query('UPDATE note JOIN note_raw_text ON note_raw_text_id = SET trashed = ?, updated = ? WHERE = ? AND user_id = ?',
[trashed, now, noteId, userId])
.then((rows, fields) => {'note_attribute_modified', noteId)
// Delete a note and all its remaining parts
Note.delete = (userId, noteId, masterKey = null) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Delete, note, text, search index and associated tags
// Leave the attachments, they can be deleted on their own
// Leave Tags, their text is shared
let rawTextId = null
let noteTextCount = 0
// Lookup the note text ID, we need this to count usages
.query('SELECT note_raw_text_id FROM note WHERE id = ? AND user_id = ?', [noteId, userId])
.then((rows, fields) => {
//Save the raw text ID
rawTextId = rows[0][0]['note_raw_text_id']
return db.promise()
.query('SELECT count(id) as count FROM note WHERE note_raw_text_id = ?', [rawTextId])
.then((rows, fields) => {
//Save the number of times the note is used
noteTextCount = rows[0][0]['count']
//Don't delete text if its shared
if(noteTextCount == 1){
//If text is only used on one note, delete it (its not shared)
return db.promise()
.query('SELECT count(id) as count FROM note WHERE note_raw_text_id = ?', [rawTextId])
} else {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then( results => {
// Delete Note entry for this user.
return db.promise()
.query('DELETE FROM note WHERE = ? AND note.user_id = ?', [noteId, userId])
.then( results => {
// Delete hidden attachments for this note (files for attachment are already gone)
return db.promise()
.query('DELETE FROM attachment WHERE visible = 0 AND note_id = ? AND user_id = ?', [noteId, userId])
.then((rows, fields) => {
// delete tags
return db.promise()
.query('DELETE FROM note_tag WHERE note_tag.note_id = ? AND note_tag.user_id = ?', [noteId,userId])
.then((rows, fields) => {
.then((rows, fields) => {
//IF there are notes with a matching raw text id, we want to update their share status
db.promise().query('SELECT id FROM note WHERE note_raw_text_id = ?',[rawTextId])
.then((rows, fields) => {
if(rows[0].length == 1){
db.promise().query('UPDATE note SET shared = 0 WHERE id = ?', [rows[0][0]['id']])
//Remove note ID from index
Note.reindex(userId, masterKey, [noteId])
.then(results => {
return resolve(true)
} else {
return resolve(true)
//text is the current text for the note that will be compared to the text in the database
Note.getDiffText = (userId, noteId, usersCurrentText, lastUpdated) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
Note.get(userId, noteId)
.then(noteObject => {
if(!noteObject.text || !usersCurrentText || noteObject.encrypted == 1){
return resolve(null)
let oldText = noteObject.text.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,"")
let newText = usersCurrentText.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,"")
if(noteObject.updated == lastUpdated){
// console.log('No note diff')
return resolve(null)
if(noteObject.updated > lastUpdated){
newText = noteObject.text.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,"")
oldText = usersCurrentText.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,"")
const dmp = new DiffMatchPatch.diff_match_patch()
const diff = dmp.diff_main(oldText, newText)
const patch_list = dmp.patch_make(oldText, newText, diff);
const patch_text = dmp.patch_toText(patch_list);
//Patch text - shows a list of changes
var patches = dmp.patch_fromText(patch_text);
// console.log(patch_text)
//results[1] - contains diagnostic data for patch apply, its possible it can fail
var results = dmp.patch_apply(patches, oldText);
//Compile return data for front end
const returnData = {
updatedText: results[0],
diffs: results[1].length, //Only use length for now
updated: Math.max(noteObject.updated,lastUpdated) //Return most recently updated date
//Final change in notes
// console.log(returnData)
Note.get = (userId, noteId, masterKey) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let User = require('@models/User')
if(!masterKey || masterKey.length == 0){
return reject('Get note called without master key')
let userPrivateKey = null;
User.getPrivateKey(userId, masterKey)
.then(privateKey => {
//Grab users private key
userPrivateKey = privateKey
return db.promise()
note_raw_text.updated as updated,,
count(distinct as attachment_count,
note.note_raw_text_id as rawTextId,
shareUser.username as shareUsername
FROM note
JOIN note_raw_text ON ( = note.note_raw_text_id)
LEFT JOIN attachment ON ( = attachment.note_id)
LEFT JOIN user as shareUser ON (note.share_user_id =
WHERE note.user_id = ? AND = ? LIMIT 1`, [userId, noteId])
.then((rows, fields) => {
const nowTime = Math.round((+new Date)/1000)
let noteLockedOut = false
let noteData = rows[0][0]
// const rawTextId = noteData['rawTextId']
//Block access to notes if invalid or user doesn't have access
if(!noteData || !noteData['user_id'] || noteData['user_id'] != userId || noteData['id'] != noteId){
return resolve(false)
//Shared notes use encrypted key - decrypt key then decrypt note
if(noteData.encrypted_share_password_key != null){
masterKey = crypto.privateDecrypt(userPrivateKey,
Buffer.from(noteData.encrypted_share_password_key, 'base64') )
//Normal Encrypted note
const decipheredText = cs.decrypt(masterKey, noteData.salt, noteData.text)
if(decipheredText == null){
throw new Error('Unable to decropt note text')
//Parse title and text from encrypted data and update object
const textObject = JSON.parse(decipheredText)
noteData.title = textObject[0]
noteData.text = textObject[1]
db.promise().query(`UPDATE note SET opened = ? WHERE (id = ?)`, [nowTime, noteId])
//Return note data
delete noteData.salt //remove salt from return data
delete noteData.encrypted_share_password_key
noteData.lockedOut = noteLockedOut
.catch(error => {
//Public note share action -> may not be used
Note.getShared = (noteId) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.query('SELECT text, color FROM note WHERE id = ? AND shared = 1 LIMIT 1', [noteId])
.then((rows, fields) => {
//Return note data
// Searches text index, returns nothing if there is no search query
Note.encryptedIndexSearch = (userId, searchQuery, searchTags, masterKey) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if(searchQuery.length == 0){
} else {
if(!masterKey || masterKey == null){
console.log('Attempting to search wiouth key')
return resolve(null)
//Search the search index
db.promise().query(`SELECT * FROM user_encrypted_search_index WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1`, [userId])
.then((rows, fields) => {
if(rows[0].length == 1){
//Lookup, decrypt and parse search index
const row = rows[0][0]
const decipheredSearchIndex = cs.decrypt(masterKey, row.salt, row.index)
const searchIndex = JSON.parse(decipheredSearchIndex)
//Clean up search word
const word = searchQuery.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9]/g, '')
let noteIds = []
let partials = []
Object.keys(searchIndex).forEach(wordIndex => {
if( wordIndex.indexOf(word) != -1 && wordIndex != word){
const exactArray = searchIndex[word] ? searchIndex[word] : []
let searchData = {
'exact': exactArray,
'partials': partials,
'partial': [ Set(noteIds) ],
//Remove exact matches from partials set if there is overlap
if(searchData['exact'].length > 0 && searchData['partial'].length > 0){
searchData['partial'] = searchData['partial']
.filter( ( el ) => !searchData['exact'].includes( el ) )
searchData['ids'] = searchData['exact'].concat(searchData['partial'])
searchData['total'] = searchData['ids'].length
// console.log(searchData['total'])
return resolve({ 'ids':searchData['ids'] })
} else {
return resolve(null)
} = (userId, searchQuery, searchTags, fastFilters, masterKey) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
//Define return data objects
let returnData = {
let userPrivateKey = null
let User = require('@models/User')
User.generateKeypair(userId, masterKey)
.then(({publicKey, privateKey}) => {
userPrivateKey = privateKey
return Note.encryptedIndexSearch(userId, searchQuery, searchTags, masterKey)
.then( (textSearchResults) => {
//Pull out search results from previous query
let textSearchIds = []
let returnTagResults = false
let searchAllNotes = false
if(textSearchResults != null){
textSearchIds = textSearchResults['ids']
returnData['total'] = textSearchIds.length
// highlights = textSearchResults['snippets']
//No results, return empty data
if(textSearchIds.length == 0 && searchQuery.length > 0){
return resolve(returnData)
// Base of the query, modified with fastFilters
// Add to query for character counts -> CHAR_LENGTH(note.text) as chars
//SUBSTRING(note_raw_text.text, 1, 500) as text,
let searchParams = [userId]
let noteSearchQuery = `
note.snippet as snippet,
note.snippet_salt as salt,
note_raw_text.updated as updated,
count(distinct as tag_count,
count(distinct as attachment_count,
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT tag.text) as tags,
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT attachment.file_location) as thumbs,
shareUser.username as shareUsername,
FROM note
JOIN note_raw_text ON ( = note.note_raw_text_id)
LEFT JOIN note_tag ON ( = note_tag.note_id)
LEFT JOIN tag ON ( = note_tag.tag_id)
LEFT JOIN attachment ON ( = attachment.note_id AND attachment.visible = 1)
LEFT JOIN user as shareUser ON (note.share_user_id =
WHERE note.user_id = ?
//If text search returned results, limit search to those ids
if(textSearchIds.length > 0){
noteSearchQuery += ' AND IN (?)'
searchAllNotes = true
//If Specific ID's are being searched, search ALL notes
if(fastFilters.noteIdSet && fastFilters.noteIdSet.length > 0){
noteSearchQuery += ' AND IN (?)'
searchAllNotes = true
//If tags are passed, use those tags in search
if(searchTags.length > 0){
noteSearchQuery += ' AND note_tag.tag_id IN (?)'
//Show archived notes, only if fast filter is set, default to not archived
if(searchAllNotes == false){
if(fastFilters.notesHome == 1){
noteSearchQuery += ' AND note.archived = 0 AND note.trashed = 0 AND note.share_user_id IS NULL'
if(fastFilters.onlyShowSharedNotes == 1){
//share_user_id means your shared them, a note with a shared user id filled in means it was shared
noteSearchQuery += ` AND share_user_id IS NOT NULL OR (note.shared = 2 AND note.user_id = ?) AND note.trashed = 0`
//Show notes shared with you
if(fastFilters.onlyArchived == 1){
noteSearchQuery += ' AND note.archived = 1 AND note.trashed = 0' //Show Archived
if(fastFilters.onlyShowTrashed == 1){
noteSearchQuery += ' AND note.trashed = 1' //Show Exclude
//Finish up note query
noteSearchQuery += ' GROUP BY'
//Only show notes with Tags
if(fastFilters.withTags == 1){
noteSearchQuery += ' HAVING tag_count > 0'
//Only show notes with links
if(fastFilters.withLinks == 1){
noteSearchQuery += ' HAVING attachment_count > 0'
//Only show archived notes
// if(fastFilters.onlyArchived == 1){
// noteSearchQuery += ' HAVING note.archived = 1'
// }
// //Only show trashed notes
// if(fastFilters.onlyShowTrashed == 1){
// noteSearchQuery += ' HAVING note.trashed = 1'
// }
// Always prioritize pinned notes in searches.
//Default Sort, order by last updated
let defaultOrderBy = ' ORDER BY note.pinned DESC, updated DESC, note.created DESC, note.opened DESC, id DESC'
//Order by Last Created Date
if(fastFilters.lastCreated == 1){
defaultOrderBy = ' ORDER BY note.pinned DESC, note.created DESC, updated DESC, note.opened DESC, id DESC'
//Order by last Opened Date
if(fastFilters.lastOpened == 1){
defaultOrderBy = ' ORDER BY note.pinned DESC, opened DESC, updated DESC, note.created DESC, id DESC'
//Append Order by to query
noteSearchQuery += defaultOrderBy
//Manage limit params if set
if(fastFilters.limitSize > 0 || fastFilters.limitOffset > 0){
const limitSize = parseInt(fastFilters.limitSize, 10) || 10 //Use int or default to 10
const limitOffset = parseInt(fastFilters.limitOffset, 10) || 0 //Either parse int, or use zero
noteSearchQuery += ` LIMIT ${limitOffset}, ${limitSize}`
// console.log('------------- Final Query --------------')
// console.log(noteSearchQuery)
// console.log('------------- ----------- --------------')
.query(noteSearchQuery, searchParams)
.then((noteRows, noteFields) => {
//Push all notes
returnData['notes'] = noteRows[0]
//pull out all note ids so we can fetch all tags for those notes
returnData['notes'].forEach(note => {
//Current note key may change, default to master key
let currentNoteKey = masterKey
//Shared notes use encrypted key - decrypt key then decrypt note
const encryptedShareKey = note.encrypted_share_password_key
if(encryptedShareKey != null){
currentNoteKey = crypto.privateDecrypt(userPrivateKey,
Buffer.from(encryptedShareKey, 'base64') )
//Decrypt note text
if(note.snippet && note.salt){
const decipheredText = cs.decrypt(currentNoteKey, note.salt, note.snippet)
const textObject = JSON.parse(decipheredText)
if(textObject != null && textObject.length == 2){
note.title = textObject[0]
note.text = textObject[1]
//Deduce note title
const textData = ProcessText.deduceNoteTitle(note.title, note.text)
note.title = textData.title
note.subtext = textData.sub
//Remove these variables
note.note_highlights = []
note.attachment_highlights = []
note.tag_highlights = []
//Limit number of attachment thumbs to 4
//Convert comma delimited string to array
let thumbArray = note.thumbs.split(',').reverse()
//Limit array to 4 or size of array
thumbArray.length = Math.min(thumbArray.length, 4)
note.thumbs = thumbArray
//Clear out note.text before sending it to front end, its being used in title and subtext
delete note.snippet
delete note.salt
delete note.encrypted_share_password_key
return resolve(returnData)