Max G 8833a213a7 Added some realtime events to the app
* When a user gets a new shared message, it will popup instantly
* When a new website is scraped, it will update in real time
* Various other little bug fixes and improvements
* Sharing displays correct notes and handles shared notes correctly
* Tags were not displaying on notes, they do now. They better.
2020-02-14 01:08:46 +00:00

147 lines
3.6 KiB

// All actions in noteController.js
const db = require('@config/database')
const Note = require('@models/Note')
let ShareNote = module.exports = {}
// Share a note with a user, given the correct username
ShareNote.addUser = (userId, noteId, rawTextId, username) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let shareUserId = null
let newNoteShare = null
const cleanUser = username.toLowerCase().trim()
//Check that user actually exists
db.promise().query(`SELECT id FROM user WHERE LOWER(username) = ?`, [cleanUser])
.then((rows, fields) => {
if(rows[0].length == 0){
throw new Error('User Does Not Exist')
shareUserId = rows[0][0]['id']
//Check if note has already been added for user
return db.promise()
.query('SELECT id FROM note WHERE user_id = ? AND note_raw_text_id = ?', [shareUserId, rawTextId])
.then((rows, fields) => {
if(rows[0].length != 0){
throw new Error('User Already Has Note')
//Lookup note to share with user, clone this data to create users new note
return db.promise()
.query(`SELECT * FROM note WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1`, [noteId])
.then((rows, fields) => {
newNoteShare = rows[0][0]
//Modify note with the share attributes we want
delete newNoteShare['id']
delete newNoteShare['opened']
newNoteShare['share_user_id'] = userId //User who shared the note
newNoteShare['user_id'] = shareUserId //User who gets note
//Setup db colums, db values and number of '?' to put into prepared statement
let dbColumns = []
let dbValues = []
let escapeChars = []
//Pull out all the data we need from object to create prepared statemnt
Object.keys(newNoteShare).forEach( key => {
//Stick all the note value back into query, insert updated note
return db.promise()
.query(`INSERT INTO note (${dbColumns.join()}) VALUES (${escapeChars.join()})`, dbValues)
.then((rows, fields) => {
//Update note share status to 2
return db.promise()
.query('UPDATE note SET shared = 2 WHERE id = ?', [noteId])
.then((rows, fields) => {
return resolve({'success':true, shareUserId})
.catch(error => {
// Get users who see a shared note
ShareNote.getUsers = (userId, rawTextId) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
SELECT username, as noteId
FROM note
JOIN user ON ( = note.user_id)
WHERE note_raw_text_id = ?
AND share_user_id = ?
AND user_id != ?
`, [rawTextId, userId, userId])
.then((rows, fields) => {
//Return a list of user names
return resolve (rows[0])
// Remove a user from a shared note
ShareNote.removeUser = (userId, noteId) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const Note = require('@models/Note')
let rawTextId = null
let removeUserId = null
// = noteId, share_user_id = userId
.query('SELECT note_raw_text_id, user_id FROM note WHERE id = ? AND share_user_id = ?', [noteId, userId])
.then( (rows, fields) => {
rawTextId = rows[0][0]['note_raw_text_id']
removeUserId = rows[0][0]['user_id']
//Delete note entry for other user - remove users access
if(removeUserId && Number.isInteger(removeUserId)){
//Delete this users access to the note
return Note.delete(removeUserId, noteId)
} else {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resolve(true) })
.then(stuff => {
.catch(error => {