Max G 2861042485 * Delete Crunch Menu Component
* Disabled Quick Note
* Note crunches over when menu is open
* Added a cool loader
* Remomoved locked notes
* Added full note encryption
* Added encrypted search index
* Added encrypted shared notes
* Made search bar have a clear and search button
* Tags only loade when clicking on the tags menu
* Tweaked home page to be a little more sane
* built out some gigantic test cases
* simplified a lot of things to make entire app easier to maintain
2020-05-10 21:15:59 +00:00

189 lines
5.1 KiB

// All actions in noteController.js
const db = require('@config/database')
const Note = require('@models/Note')
let ShareNote = module.exports = {}
const crypto = require('crypto')
const cs = require('@helpers/CryptoString')
ShareNote.migrateNoteToShared = (userId, noteId, shareUserId, masterKey) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const Note = require('@models/Note')
const User = require('@models/User')
//generate new random salts and password
const sharedNoteMasterKey = cs.createSmallSalt()
let encryptedSharedKey = null //new key for note encrypted with shared users pubic key
//Current note object
let note = null
let publicKey = null
db.promise().query('SELECT id FROM user WHERE id = ?', [shareUserId])
.then((rows, fields) => {
if(rows[0].length == 0){
throw new Error('User Does Not Exist')
return Note.get(userId, noteId, masterKey)
.then( noteObject => {
throw new Error('Note Not Found')
note = noteObject
return db.promise()
.query('SELECT id FROM note WHERE user_id = ? AND note_raw_text_id = ?', [shareUserId, note.rawTextId])
.then((rows, fields) => {
if(rows[0].length >= 1){
throw new Error('User Already has this note shared with them')
//All check pass, proceed with sharing note
return User.getPublicKey(userId)
.then( userPublicKey => {
//Get users public key
publicKey = userPublicKey
// Modify note to have a shared password, encrypt text with this password
const sharedNoteSalt = cs.createSmallSalt()
//Encrypt note text with new password
const textObject = JSON.stringify([note.title, note.text])
const encryptedText = cs.encrypt(sharedNoteMasterKey, sharedNoteSalt, textObject)
//Update note raw text with new data
return db.promise()
.query("UPDATE `application`.`note_raw_text` SET `text` = ?, `salt` = ? WHERE (`id` = ?)",
[encryptedText, sharedNoteSalt, note.rawTextId])
.then((rows, fields) => {
//New Encrypted snippet, using new shared password
const sharedNoteSnippetSalt = cs.createSmallSalt()
const snippet = JSON.stringify([note.title, note.text.substring(0, 500)])
const encryptedSnippet = cs.encrypt(sharedNoteMasterKey, sharedNoteSnippetSalt, snippet)
//Encrypt shared password for this user
const encryptedSharedKey = crypto.publicEncrypt(publicKey, Buffer.from(sharedNoteMasterKey, 'utf8')).toString('base64')
//Update note snippet for current user with public key encoded snippet
return db.promise().query('UPDATE note SET snippet = ?, snippet_salt = ?, encrypted_share_password_key = ? WHERE id = ? AND user_id = ?',
[encryptedSnippet, sharedNoteSnippetSalt, encryptedSharedKey, noteId, userId])
.then((rows, fields) => {
return User.getPublicKey(shareUserId)
.then(shareUserPublicKey => {
//New Encrypted snippet, using new shared password
const newSnippetSalt = cs.createSmallSalt()
const snippet = JSON.stringify([note.title, note.text.substring(0, 500)])
const encryptedSnippet = cs.encrypt(sharedNoteMasterKey, newSnippetSalt, snippet)
//Encrypt shared password for this user
const encryptedSharedKey = crypto.publicEncrypt(shareUserPublicKey, Buffer.from(sharedNoteMasterKey, 'utf8')).toString('base64')
//Insert new note for shared user
return db.promise().query(`
INSERT INTO note (user_id, note_raw_text_id, created, color, share_user_id, snippet, snippet_salt, encrypted_share_password_key) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);
`, [shareUserId, note.rawTextId, note.created, note.color, userId, encryptedSnippet, newSnippetSalt, encryptedSharedKey])
.then((rows, fields) => {
let success = true
return resolve({success, shareUserId})
.catch(error => {
console.log('Shared Note Error')
// Get users who see a shared note
ShareNote.getUsers = (userId, rawTextId) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
SELECT username, as noteId
FROM note
JOIN user ON ( = note.user_id)
WHERE note_raw_text_id = ?
AND share_user_id = ?
AND user_id != ?
`, [rawTextId, userId, userId])
.then((rows, fields) => {
//Return a list of user names
return resolve (rows[0])
// Remove a user from a shared note
ShareNote.removeUser = (userId, noteId) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const Note = require('@models/Note')
let rawTextId = null
let removeUserId = null
// = noteId, share_user_id = userId
.query('SELECT note_raw_text_id, user_id FROM note WHERE id = ? AND share_user_id = ?', [noteId, userId])
.then( (rows, fields) => {
rawTextId = rows[0][0]['note_raw_text_id']
removeUserId = rows[0][0]['user_id']
//Delete note entry for other user - remove users access
if(removeUserId && Number.isInteger(removeUserId)){
//Delete this users access to the note
return Note.delete(removeUserId, noteId)
} else {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resolve(true) })
.then(stuff => {
.catch(error => {