Max 276a72b4ce Gigantic Update
* Migrated manual tests to jest and started working on better coverage
* Added a bookmarklet and push key generation tool allowing URL pushing from bookmarklets
* Updated web scraping with tons of bug fixes
* Updated attachments page to handle new push links
* Aggressive note change checking, if patches get out of sync, server overwrites bad updates.
2023-10-17 19:46:14 +00:00

117 lines
2.5 KiB

const Note = require('../../models/Note')
const User = require('../../models/User')
const testUserName = 'jestTestUserNote'
const password = 'Beans1234!!!'
const secondPassword = 'Rice1234!!!'
let newUserId = null
let masterKey = null
let testNoteId = 0
let testNoteId2 = 0
const searchWord1 = 'beans'
const searchWord2 = 'RICE'
const updatedNoteText = 'Some Note Text for Testing more '+searchWord2+' is nice'
beforeAll(() => {
// Find and Delete Previous Test user, log in, get key
return User.getByUserName(testUserName)
.then((user) => {
return User.deleteUser(user?.id, password)
.then((results) => {
return User.register(testUserName, password)
.then(({ token, userId }) => {
newUserId = userId
return User.getMasterKey(userId, password)
.then((newMasterKey) => {
masterKey = newMasterKey
return true
.catch(((error) => {
test('Create Note', () => {
const noteTitle = 'Test Note'
const noteText = 'Some Note Text for Testing'
return Note.create(newUserId, noteTitle, noteText, masterKey)
.then((noteId) => {
testNoteId = noteId
test('Create Another Note', () => {
const noteTitle = 'Test Note2'
const noteText = 'Some Note Text for Testing more '+searchWord1
return Note.create(newUserId, noteTitle, noteText, masterKey)
.then((noteId) => {
testNoteId2 = noteId
test('Update a note', () => {
return Note.update(newUserId, testNoteId, updatedNoteText, 'title', 0, 0, 0, 'hash', masterKey)
.then((results) => {
test('Decrypt a note', () => {
return Note.get(newUserId, testNoteId, masterKey)
.then((noteData) => {
test('Update note search index', () => {
return Note.reindex(newUserId, masterKey)
.then((results) => {
test('Search Encrypted Index', () => {
const searchString = `${searchWord1} ${searchWord2}`
return Note.encryptedIndexSearch(newUserId, searchString, null, masterKey)
.then(({ids}) => {
// Make sure beans is in one note and rice is in updated text
test('Search Encrypted Index no results', () => {
return Note.encryptedIndexSearch(newUserId, 'zzz', null, masterKey)
.then(({ids}) => {
// Make sure beans is in one note and rice is in updated text
afterAll(done => {
// Close Database
const db = require('../../config/database')