const crypto = require('crypto') const Note = require('@models/Note') const db = require('@config/database') const Auth = require('@helpers/Auth') const cs = require('@helpers/CryptoString') let User = module.exports = {} //Login a user, if that user does not exist create them //Issues login token User.login = (username, password) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const lowerName = username.toLowerCase(); db.promise() .query('SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = ? LIMIT 1', [lowerName]) .then((rows, fields) => { // Create New Account // if(rows[0].length == 0){ User.create(lowerName, password) .then( ({token, userId}) => { return resolve({ token, userId }) }) } // Login User // if(rows[0].length == 1){ //Pull out user data from database results const lookedUpUser = rows[0][0] //hash the password and check for a match // const salt = new Buffer(lookedUpUser.salt, 'binary') const salt = Buffer.from(lookedUpUser.salt, 'binary') crypto.pbkdf2(password, salt, lookedUpUser.iterations, 512, 'sha512', function(err, delivered_key){ if(delivered_key.toString('hex') === lookedUpUser.password){ User.generateMasterKey(, password) .then( result => User.getMasterKey(, password)) .then(masterKey => { User.generateKeypair(, masterKey) .then(({publicKey, privateKey}) => { //Passback a json web token const token = Auth.createToken(, masterKey) resolve({ token: token, }) }) }) } else { reject('Password does not match database') } }) } }) .catch(console.log) }) } //Create user account //Issues login token User.create = (username, password) => { //For some reason, username won't get into the promise. But password will @TODO figure this out const lowerName = username.toLowerCase().trim() return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { db.promise() .query('SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = ? LIMIT 1', [lowerName]) .then((rows, fields) => { if(rows[0].length === 0){ //No users returned, create new one. Start with hashing password //Params for hash function let shasum = crypto.createHash('sha512') //Prepare Hash const ran = parseInt( //Get current time in miliseconds const semiRandomInt = Math.floor(Math.random()*11) //Grab a random number const otherRandomInt = (ran*semiRandomInt+ran)*semiRandomInt-ran //Mix things up a bit shasum.update(''+otherRandomInt) //Update Hasd const saltString = shasum.digest('hex') const salt = Buffer.from(saltString, 'binary') //Generate Salt hash const iterations = 25000 crypto.pbkdf2(password, salt, iterations, 512, 'sha512', function(err, delivered_key) { //Create new user object with freshly salted password var currentDate = new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace('T', ' '); var new_user = { username: lowerName, password: delivered_key.toString('hex'), salt: salt, iterations: iterations, last_login: currentDate, created: currentDate }; let userId = null let newMasterKey = null db.promise() .query('INSERT INTO user SET ?', new_user) .then((rows, fields) => { userId = rows[0].insertId return User.generateMasterKey(userId, password) }) .then( result => { return User.getMasterKey(userId, password) }) .then(masterKey => { newMasterKey = masterKey return User.generateKeypair(userId, newMasterKey) }) .then(({publicKey, privateKey}) => { const token = Auth.createToken(userId, newMasterKey) return resolve({token, userId}) }) .catch(console.log) }) } else { return reject('Username already in use.') }//END user create }) .catch(console.log) }) } //Counts notes, pinned notes, archived notes, shared notes, unread notes, total files and types User.getCounts = (userId) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let countTotals = {} db.promise().query( `SELECT SUM(archived = 1 && share_user_id IS NULL && trashed = 0) AS archivedNotes, SUM(trashed = 1) AS trashedNotes, SUM(share_user_id IS NULL && trashed = 0) AS totalNotes, SUM(share_user_id != ? && trashed = 0) AS sharedToNotes, SUM( (share_user_id != ? && opened IS null && trashed = 0) || (share_user_id != ? && note_raw_text.updated > opened && trashed = 0) ) AS unreadNotes FROM note LEFT JOIN note_raw_text ON ( = note.note_raw_text_id) WHERE user_id = ?`, [userId, userId, userId, userId]) .then( (rows, fields) => { Object.assign(countTotals, rows[0][0]) //combine results // // @TODO - Figured out if this is useful // We want, notes shared with user and note user has shared // return db.promise().query( `SELECT count(id) AS sharedFromNotes FROM note WHERE shared = 2 AND user_id = ? AND trashed = 0`, [userId] ) }) .then( (rows, fields) => { Object.assign(countTotals, rows[0][0]) //combine results return db.promise().query( `SELECT SUM(attachment_type = 1) as linkFiles, SUM(attachment_type != 1) as otherFiles, COUNT(id) as totalFiles FROM attachment WHERE visible = 1 AND user_id = ? `, [userId] ) }).then( (rows, fields) => { Object.assign(countTotals, rows[0][0]) //combine results //Convert everything to an int or 0 Object.keys(countTotals).forEach( key => { const count = parseInt(countTotals[key]) countTotals[key] = count ? count : 0 }) resolve(countTotals) }) }) } User.generateMasterKey = (userId, password) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if(!userId || !password){ reject('Need userId and password to generate key') } db.promise() .query('SELECT count(id) as total FROM user_key WHERE user_id = ?', [userId]) .then((rows, fields) => { //Entry already exists, you good. if(rows[0][0]['total'] > 0){ return resolve(true) // throw new Error('User Encryption key already exists') } else { // Generate user key, its big and random const masterPassword = cs.createSmallSalt() //Generate a salt because it wants it const salt = cs.createSmallSalt() // Encrypt master password const encryptedMasterPassword = cs.encrypt(password, salt, masterPassword) const created = Math.round((+new Date)/1000) db.promise() .query( 'INSERT INTO user_key (`user_id`, `salt`, `key`, `created`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);', [userId, salt, encryptedMasterPassword, created] ) .then(results => { return resolve(true) }) } }) .catch(error => { console.log('Create Master Password Error') console.log(error) }) }) } User.getMasterKey = (userId, password) => { if(!userId || !password){ reject('Need userId and password to fetch key') } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { db.promise().query('SELECT * FROM user_key WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1', [userId]) .then((rows, fields) => { const row = rows[0][0] if(!rows[0] || rows[0].length == 0 || rows[0][0] == undefined){ return reject('Row or salt or something not set') } const masterKey = cs.decrypt(password, row['salt'], row['key']) if(masterKey == null){ return reject('Unable to decrypt key') } return resolve(masterKey) }) }) } User.generateKeypair = (userId, masterKey) => { let publicKey = null let privateKey = null return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { db.promise().query('SELECT * FROM user_key WHERE user_id = ?', [userId]) .then((rows, fields) => { const row = rows[0][0] const salt = row['salt'] publicKey = row['public_key'] privateKey = row['private_key_encrypted'] if(row['public_key'] == null){ const keyPair = crypto.generateKeyPairSync('rsa', { modulusLength: 1024, publicKeyEncoding: { type: 'spki', format: 'pem' }, privateKeyEncoding: { type: 'pkcs8', format: 'pem' } }) publicKey = keyPair.publicKey privateKey = keyPair.privateKey const privateKeyEncrypted = cs.encrypt(masterKey, salt, privateKey) db.promise() .query( 'UPDATE user_key SET `public_key` = ?, `private_key_encrypted` = ? WHERE user_id = ?;', [publicKey, privateKeyEncrypted, userId] ) .then((rows, fields)=>{ return resolve({publicKey, privateKey}) }) } else { //Decrypt private key privateKey = cs.decrypt(masterKey, salt, privateKey) return resolve({publicKey, privateKey}) } }) }) } User.getPublicKey = (userId) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { db.promise().query('SELECT public_key FROM user_key WHERE user_id = ?', [userId]) .then((rows, fields) => { const row = rows[0][0] return resolve(row['public_key']) }) }) } User.getPrivateKey = (userId, masterKey) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { db.promise().query('SELECT salt, private_key_encrypted FROM user_key WHERE user_id = ?', [userId]) .then((rows, fields) => { const row = rows[0][0] const salt = row['salt'] privateKey = row['private_key_encrypted'] //Decrypt private key privateKey = cs.decrypt(masterKey, salt, privateKey) return resolve(privateKey) }) }) } User.getByUserName = (username) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { db.promise().query('SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = ? LIMIT 1', [username.toLowerCase()]) .then((rows, fields) => { resolve(rows[0][0]) }) }) } User.deleteUser = (userId, password) => { //Verify user is correct by decryptig master key with password let deletePromises = [] let noteDelete = db.promise().query(` DELETE note, note_raw_text FROM note JOIN note_raw_text ON ( = note.note_raw_text_id) WHERE note.user_id = ? `,[userId]) deletePromises.push(noteDelete) let userDelete = db.promise().query(` DELETE FROM user WHERE id = ? `,[userId]) deletePromises.push(userDelete) let tables = ['user_key', 'user_encrypted_search_index', 'attachment'] tables.forEach(tableName => { const query = `DELETE FROM ${tableName} WHERE user_id = ?` const deleteQuery = db.promise().query(query, [userId]) deletePromises.push(deleteQuery) }) return Promise.all(deletePromises) } User.keyPairTest = (testUserName = 'genMan', password = '1', printResults) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let masterKey = null let testUserId = null const randomUsername = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15); const randomPassword = '1' User.login(testUserName, password) .then( ({ token, userId }) => { testUserId = userId if(printResults) console.log('Test: Create/Login User '+testUserName+' - Pass') return User.getMasterKey(testUserId, password) }) .then(newMasterKey => { masterKey = newMasterKey if(printResults) console.log('Test: Generate/Decrypt Master Key - Pass') return User.generateKeypair(testUserId, masterKey) }) .then(({publicKey, privateKey}) => { const publicKeyMessage = 'Test: Public key decrypt - Pass' const privateKeyMessage = 'Test: Private key decrypt - Pass' //Encrypt Message with private Key const privateKeyEncrypted = crypto.privateEncrypt(privateKey, Buffer.from(privateKeyMessage, 'utf8')).toString('base64') const decryptedPrivate = crypto.publicDecrypt(publicKey, Buffer.from(privateKeyEncrypted, 'base64')) //Conver back to a string if(printResults) console.log(decryptedPrivate.toString('utf8')) //Encrypt with public key const pubEncrMsc = crypto.publicEncrypt(publicKey, Buffer.from(publicKeyMessage, 'utf8')).toString('base64') const publicDeccryptMessage = crypto.privateDecrypt(privateKey, Buffer.from(pubEncrMsc, 'base64') ) //Convert it back to string if(printResults) console.log(publicDeccryptMessage.toString('utf8')) resolve({testUserId, masterKey}) }) }) }