* Force logout of user with authorization error
* Wrong site blocker doesn't trigger on the solid scribe domain
* Added log out button to main side bar making it easier to find
* Improved icon set for notes
* Colored notes display better on mobile, fixed text color based on color brightness
* Moved terms of use link to the bottom of a few pages
* Updated feature sections on home page, make them clearer and easier to process
* Tweaked color themes
* Deleted links no longer show up in search
* Updated search to use multiple key words
* Updated tests to do a multi word search
* Tweaked a bunch of styles to look better on chrome and browsers
* Fixed a bunch of style bugs for chrome browsers
* Improved check box styles on desktop and mobile
* Touch up tool tip styles. Only dark now.
* Created a separate terms page
* Added 2FA auth token options to login
* Added tool tip displays to some buttons on editor
* Added pinned and archived options to overflow menu
* Changed shared note styles
* Disabled Scroll into view
* Made image display smaller when adding images to notes
* Added a last used color option
* Updated help page
* Fixed spelling error on terms page
* Added a big ass green label on the new note icon
* Scratch pad now opens a note, which is the scratch pad
* Added better 2fa guide
* Added change password option
* Added log out and log out all active sessions option
* Added strict rate limiting on login and register actions
* Added middleware to routes that force authentication to be accessed
* Fixed bug that was causing shared notes to appear empty
* Updated option now appears on shared notes after they are actually updated
* Added some basic table styles for inserting some shitty tables
* Made popup notification styles look better and work better on mobile
* Quick note now opens a note and not some weird page
* Menu collapses when page is small, behaves like mobile menu
* Added terms and conditions to help and login forms
* Added password change functionality
* Better styles for shared page
* Added some tests for changing password
* Added more version icons
* Added working sign to notes when archived or tagged
* Big sexy marketing update
* Clicking Tags now opens them in their tag category
* Force reload of JS if app numbers dont match
* Added cool tag display on side of note
* Cleaned up a bunch of code and tweaked little things to be better
* Links now get an underline on hover
* Cleaned up CSS variable names, added another theme color for more control
* Cleaned up unused CSS, removed scrollbars popping up, tons of other little UI tweaks
* Renamed shared notes to inbox
* Tweaked form display, seperated login and create accouts
* Put login/sign up form on home page
* Created more legitimate marketing for home page
* Tons up updates to note page and note input panel
* Better support for two users editing a note
* MUCH better diff handling, web sockets restore notes with unsaved diffs
* Moved all squire text modifier functions into a mixin class
* It now says saving when closing a note
* Lots of cleanup and better handiling of events on mount and destroy
* Scroll behavior modified to load notes when closer to bottom of page
* Pretty decent shared notes and sharable link support
* Updated help text
* Search now includes tag suggestions and attachment suggestions
* Cleaned up scratch pad a ton, allow for users to create new scratch pads
* Created a 404 Page and a Shared note page
* So many other small improvements. Oh my god, what is wrong with me, not doing commits!?
* Added login form to home page with focus on load
* Tags update after editing tags from title card
* Fixed uploading of images/files
* Fixed images not appearing when opening images tab
* Search hits all categories on search, like archived
* Got rid of brand icons to reduce size
* Got rid of DiffPatchMatch and Crypto from note input panel to reduce size
* Disabled animation on io events so they don't annoy the shit out of people on other computers
* Animations disabled on remote events, closing note still triggers animation for local user
* Created save icons to fix display on mobile
* Hidden URLs are hidden until note is deleted or URL is removed from note
* Tags search all categories, but probably not trash
* Back to all notes button clears search
* Deleted Notes are removed from search index
* Added trash can function
* Tweaked status text to always be the same
* Removed some open second note code
* Edior always focuses on text now
* Added some extra loading note messages
* Notes are now removed from search index when deleted
* Lots more things happen and update in real time on multiple machines
* Shared notes can be reverted
* WAY more tests
* Note Categories are much more reliable
* Lots of code is much cleaner
* Cleaned up unused things
* Updated squire which had a comment typo update...thats it
* Background color picker has matching colors and styles to text color picker
* Added new black theme
* Moved search to main page, show it on mobile and added options to push things to notes from search with experimental tag searching
* Added active note menu buttons based on cursor location in text
* Added more instant updating if app is open in two locations for the same user Scratch Pad and home page update with new notes and new text in real time
* Disabled Quick Note
* Note crunches over when menu is open
* Added a cool loader
* Remomoved locked notes
* Added full note encryption
* Added encrypted search index
* Added encrypted shared notes
* Made search bar have a clear and search button
* Tags only loade when clicking on the tags menu
* Tweaked home page to be a little more sane
* built out some gigantic test cases
* simplified a lot of things to make entire app easier to maintain
* Encrypts all notes going to the database
* Creates encrypted snippets for loading note title cards
* Creates an encrypted search index when note is changed
* Migrates users to encrypted notes on login
* Creates new encrypted master keys for newly logged in users
* Made note menu buttons look better on mobile
* Moved around some note menu buttons
* Added a color picker with a rip off of google colors
* Added a remove formatting button
* Hide pin and archive icons, they appear green on hover, in the buttons
* Further simplified display card logic, now it just adds an end tag and returns the data
* Changed highlight text color to show colors (works on chrome...)
* Added better destroy of login token if invalid
* Block users from opening notes they don't own, note closes automatically
* Beefed up login and home page a little to make them more appealing
* Menus open and close based on URL, allowing for back button on note menus to close
Minor Updates:
* Made night mode buttons green
* Widend the global menu
* Added a version display
* Made the create note button real big
* Made the creane note button more visible on mobile
* Hide the note button if there are no notes
* Changed quick menu item to "Quick Note"
* Added reload option if version is clicked
* Moved around menu buttons at the bottom of the note
* Moved tags back into the main footer on note
* Disabled hiding of toolbar on mobile when editor focused
* Updated locked note display on main title card
* Put last edit on note display
* Tweaked display styles to be more minimal, added fade-in on hover
* Added solid scribe to all title displays on the site
* Reactivated help page and put some good help on it...decent help
* Increased max upload size for files to 5MB
* Shortened text on title display cards to make them all the same size
* Better sortig of archived notes which clicking archived
* Scroll to closed note and show animation on save
* Better notification styles, more obvious
* Changed the way the note menus display
* Added a blank note indicator text
* Added date created and date updated text to bottom of note
* Updating a shared note, updates the information for other shared users
* Unread shared notes now have a badge
* Updated shared notes now have a badge
* Shared notes can not be reshared, sharer username appears in interface to stop sharing
* Added more options to attachment page and filters
* Much better rendering and updating on attachment page
* Math bug is fixed with better string parsing fixes#14
* Icons are limited to 4 per note
* If an image is visible on note preview it will not appear in images preview
* Touched up text algorithm to better display note titles
* When a user gets a new shared message, it will popup instantly
* When a new website is scraped, it will update in real time
* Various other little bug fixes and improvements
* Sharing displays correct notes and handles shared notes correctly
* Tags were not displaying on notes, they do now. They better.