Graph update and little noe ui tweaks

This commit is contained in:
Max 2023-07-23 23:13:28 +00:00
parent d3acd62688
commit c61f0c0198
12 changed files with 1341 additions and 356 deletions

View File

@ -17,13 +17,14 @@
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
overflow-x: hidden;
/* overflow-x: hidden;*/
min-width: 320px;
background: #FFFFFF;
background: green;
font-family: 'Roboto', system-ui, -apple-system, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, "Noto Sans", "Liberation Sans", sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji";
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 1.4285em;
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87);
position: relative;
:root {
@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ body {
font-family: 'Roboto', 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
#app {
background: var(--body_bg_color);
/* background: var(--body_bg_color);*/
.ui.segment {

View File

@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
overflow: hidden;
.place-holder {
width: 100%;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
<style type="text/css" scoped>
.an-graph {
background: #fefefe;
.inactive.segment {
.active.segment {
outline: 4px solid cyan;
outline-offset: -5px;
outline-style: dashed;
max-height: 2000px;
.not-padded {
margin-left: -5px;
margin-right: -5px;
margin-bottom: -10px;
padding-right: 5px;
padding-left: 5px;
.sticky-boy {
position: fixed;
top: -1px;
right: 10px;
z-index: 100;
width: 70%;
background: orange;
.animate-height {
transition: max-height 0.8s linear;
max-height: 450px;
overflow: hidden;
<div class="ui very compact grid" :class="{'sticky-boy':editGraphs}">
<div class="sixteen wide column" v-if="!editGraphs">
<div class="ui basic padded segment">
<!-- Just a space to keep things clickable -->
<div class="sixteen wide column">
<dix class="ui basic segment" v-if="!editGraphs">
<div class="ui button" v-on:click="toggleEditGraphs">
<i class="edit icon"></i>
<span>Add/Edit Graphs</span>
<div v-if="editGraphs">
<div class="ui green button" v-on:click="addGraph()">
<i class="plus icon"></i>
New Graph
<div class="ui basic button" v-on:click="toggleEditGraphs">
<i class="check circle icon"></i>
Done Editing Graphs
<div v-for="(graph, index) in graphs" :class="`ui not-padded ${editGraphs?'active ':'inactive '}segment animate-height`">
<!-- Edit options -->
<div class="ui small header" v-if="editGraphs">
<div class="ui grid">
<div class="eight wide column">
<b>Graph #{{ index+1 }}</b>
<div class="eight wide right aligned column">
<span class="ui tiny compact inverted red button" v-on:click="removeGraph(index)">
Remove Graph
<i class="close icon"></i>
<h3 class="ui center aligned dividing header">
{{ getGraphTitle(graph) }}
<div v-if="graph?.type == PILL_CALENDAR">
<div v-if="editGraphs" class="ui segment">
<p>Calendar Graph Toggles</p>
<div v-on:click="toggelValue(index, 'hideIcons')"class="ui button">
<span v-if="graph?.options?.hideIcons">Show</span><span v-else>Hide</span> Icons
<div v-on:click="toggelValue(index, 'hideValues')"class="ui button">
<span v-if="graph?.options?.hideValues">Show</span><span v-else>Hide</span> Values
<div v-on:click="toggelValue(index, 'showZeroValues')"class="ui button">
<span v-if="!graph?.options?.showZeroValues">Show</span><span v-else>Hide</span> Lowest Value
<div v-on:click="toggelValue(index, 'showTextValues')"class="ui button">
<span v-if="!graph?.options?.showTextValues">Show</span><span v-else>Hide</span> Text Value
<div v-on:click="toggelValue(index, 'connectDays')"class="ui button">
<span v-if="!graph?.options?.connectDays">Connect</span><span v-else>Disconnect</span> Days
<div v-if="graph?.type == LAST_DONE">
Last done not implemented
<div v-if="!graph.fieldIds || graph.fieldIds && graph.fieldIds.length == 0">
<h5>Blank Graph</h5>
<span v-if="!editGraphs">Click "Edit Graphs" then,</span>
Select Graph type and Metrics to display
<div v-if="graph?.type == undefined && graph.fieldIds && graph.fieldIds.length > 0">
<div :id="`graphdiv${index}`" style="width: 100%; min-height: 320px;"></div>
<div class="ui segment" v-if="editGraphs">
<!-- change graph type -->
<div v-for="(graphType, graphId) in graphTypesDef" class="ui buttons">
<div class="ui tiny button" v-on:click="changeGraphType(index, graphId)" :class="{'green':(String(graphId) == String(graph?.type))}">
{{ graphType }}
<div v-for="fieldId in fields">
<span v-if="graph.fieldIds && graph.fieldIds.includes(fieldId)" v-on:click="toggleGraphField(fieldId, index)">
<i class="green check square icon"></i>
<span v-else v-on:click="toggleGraphField(fieldId, index)">
<i class="square outline icon"></i>
<i :class="`${$parent.getFieldColor(fieldId)} ${$parent.getFieldIcon(fieldId)} icon`"></i>
<b>{{ userFields[fieldId]?.label }}</b>
<div class="ui very compact grid" :class="{'sticky-boy':editGraphs}">
<div class="sixteen wide column" v-if="!editGraphs">
<div class="ui basic padded segment">
<!-- Just a space to keep things clickable -->
<div class="sixteen wide column">
<dix class="ui basic segment" v-if="!editGraphs">
<div class="ui button" v-on:click="toggleEditGraphs">
<i class="edit icon"></i>
<span>Add/Edit Graphs</span>
<div v-if="editGraphs">
<div class="ui green button" v-on:click="addGraph()">
<i class="plus icon"></i>
New Graph
<div class="ui basic button" v-on:click="toggleEditGraphs">
<i class="check circle icon"></i>
Done Editing Graphs
<!-- Anchor for scrolling to the bottom of graphs -->
<div ref="anchor"></div>
const PILL_CALENDAR = 'pillCalendar'
const LAST_DONE = 'lastDone'
export default {
name: 'MetricTrackingGraphs',
props: [
'tempChartDays', // Number of days to display
'fields', // field IDs for display/order
'userFields', // field values defined by user
'graphs', // Graph data defined by user
'cycleData', // ALL user data
'calendar', // Date data for currently open day
'editGraphs' // boolean for edit or not edit graphs
components: {
data: function(){
return {
// [LAST_DONE]: 'Last Done',
'undefined':'Line Graph (Default)',
[PILL_CALENDAR]:'Calendar Graph',
beforeCreate() {
// Constants
// Include JS libraries
let graphsScript = document.createElement('script')
graphsScript.setAttribute('src', '//')
this.localGraphData = this.graphs
// update graphs here? Or watch graphs prop
watch: {
// whenever question changes, this function will run
userFields(newFields, oldFields) {
// console.log([newFields, oldFields])
if( JSON.stringify(oldFields) == "{}" ){
tempChartDays(newDays, oldDays){
if( newDays != oldDays ){
methods: {
this.$emit('saveGraphs', this.localGraphData)
setTimeout(() => {
// scroll last graph into view
behavior: 'smooth',
block: 'center',
inline: 'center'
}, 800)
changeGraphType(index, newType){
console.log(index + ' change to ' + newType)
this.localGraphData[index]['type'] = newType
this.localGraphData.splice(index, 1)
toggelValue(graphIndex, optionName){
this.localGraphData[graphIndex].options = {}
this.localGraphData[graphIndex].options[optionName] = false
else {
this.localGraphData[graphIndex].options[optionName] = true
toggleGraphField(fieldId, graphIndex){
this.localGraphData[graphIndex].fieldIds = []
const inSetCheck = this.localGraphData[graphIndex]?.fieldIds.indexOf(fieldId)
if(inSetCheck == -1){
if(inSetCheck > -1){
const graphFields = graph?.fieldIds || []
let fieldTitles = []
graphFields.forEach(fieldId => {
// console.log(fieldTitles)
const title = fieldTitles.join(', ')
return title
// try again if dygraphs isn't loaded
if( typeof(window.Dygraph) != 'function' ){
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100)
const graphOptions = {
interactionModel: {},
// pointClickCallback: function(e, pt){
// console.log(e)
// console.log(pt)
// console.log(this.getValue(pt.idx, 0))
// }
// Excel date format YYYYMMDD
const convertToExcelDate = (dateCode) => {
return dateCode
.map(item => String(item).padStart(2,0))
// Generate set of keys for graph length
let dataKeys = Object.keys(this.cycleData)
dataKeys = dataKeys.splice(0, this.tempChartDays)
// build CSV data for each graph
this.graphs.forEach((graph,index) => {
// only chart line graphs with dygraphs
if( graph.type != undefined ){
if( !graph.fieldIds ){
// CSV or path to a CSV file.
let dataString = ""
// Lookup graph field titles
let graphLabels = ['Date']
graph.fieldIds.forEach(fieldId => {
const graphLabel = this.userFields[fieldId]?.label
const escapedLabel = graphLabel.replaceAll(',','')
dataString += graphLabels.join(',') + '\n'
// build each row, for each day
for (var i = 0; i < dataKeys.length; i++) {
let nextFragment = []
// push date code to first column
graph.fieldIds.forEach(fieldId => {
const currentEntry = this.cycleData[dataKeys[i]]
let currentValue = currentEntry[fieldId]
// setup correct float graphing
if(fieldId == 'BT'){
// parse temp to fixed length float 00.00
currentValue = parseFloat(currentValue).toFixed(2)
if( currentValue == undefined ){
currentValue = -1
dataString += nextFragment.join(',') + "\n"
let graphDiv = document.getElementById("graphdiv"+index)
const g = new Dygraph(graphDiv, dataString ,graphOptions)

View File

@ -1,26 +1,547 @@
<style type="text/css" scoped></style>
<style type="text/css" scoped>
div.calendar {
width: calc(100% - 4px);
min-height: 350px;
display: flex;
margin: 5px 8px 15px;
flex-wrap: wrap;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: flex-start;
.day {
flex: 0 0 calc(14.28% - 2px);
min-height: 50px;
border: 1px solid var(--border_color);
font-size: 1.2em;
overflow: hidden;
box-sizing: border-box;
position: relative;
line-height: 1em;
display: flex;
align-items: flex-end;
.today {
font-weight: bold;
text-decoration: underline;
.active-entry {
outline: #07f4f4;
outline-style: none;
outline-width: medium;
outline-style: none;
outline-offset: -1px;
outline-style: solid;
outline-width: 3px;
.day ~ .has-data {
.day ~ .no-data {
background: #c7c7c787;
opacity: 0.6;
.day > .number {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 5px;
z-index: 10;
opacity: 0.4;
.day > .sex {
font-size: 0.7em;
border-radius: 5px;
background: rgba(249, 0, 0, 0.15);
color: white;
padding: 0 0 0 4px;
z-index: 10;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
height: 26px;
.day > .period {
position: absolute;
bottom: 1px;
left: 1px;
right: 1px;
height: 5px;
background: red;
z-index: 10;
.day > .mucus {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
min-height: 10px;
background: #abecff7d;
z-index: 2;
.day > .notes {
.pill-container {
width: 100%;
.pill {
width: calc(100% - 8px);
min-height: 2px;
margin: 0 4px;
box-sizing: border-box;
display: inline-block;
background: rgb(50 218 255 / 44%);
border-radius: 40px;
text-align: center;
line-height: 1em;
position: relative;
color: white;
font-size: 0.7em;
padding: 2px;
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
.pill.did-last {
margin-left: 0;
border-top-left-radius: 0;
border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
width: calc(100% - 5px);
.pill.did-next {
margin-right: 0;
border-top-right-radius: 0;
border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
width: calc(100% - 5px);
.pill.did-next.did-last {
width: 100%;
/* .last-high:after {
content: '';
width: 0;
height: 0;
border-top: 15px solid transparent;
border-bottom: 3px solid transparent;
border-left: 10px solid rgb(50 218 255 / 44%);
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: -13px;
.next-high:before {
content: '';
width: 0;
height: 0;
border-top: 15px solid transparent;
border-bottom: 3px solid transparent;
border-right: 10px solid rgb(50 218 255 / 44%);
position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: -13px;
.big-day {
display: inline-block;
width: 100%;
min-height: 2px;
margin: 0 auto;
text-align: center;
.zero-day {
opacity: 0.5;
.icon-spacer {
display: inline-block;
background-color: greenyellow;
width: 20px;
height: 2px;
.past-entries {
width: 100%;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-around;
/* padding: 0 10px;*/
overflow-x: scroll;
overflow-y: hidden;
.past-entry {
position: relative;
text-align: center;
border: 1px solid;
border-color: var(--dark_border_color);
color: var(--text_color);
flex-grow: 1;
cursor: pointer;
font-weight: bold;
min-width: 40px;
min-height: 40px;
margin: 5px 0 10px;
line-height: 2.3em;
.day-list {
width: 100%;
height: 80px;
background-color: green;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-around;
overflow-x: scroll;
overflow-y: hidden;
.day-list-item {
flex-grow: 1;
border: 1px solid black;
width: 25px;
} { background-color: #db2828 } { background-color: #f2711c }
.pill.yellow { background-color: #fbbd08 }
.pill.olive { background-color: #b5cc18 } { background-color: #21ba45 }
.pill.teal { background-color: #00b5ad } { background-color: #2185d0 }
.pill.violet { background-color: #6435c9 }
.pill.purple { background-color: #a333c8 } { background-color: #e03997 }
.pill.brown { background-color: #a5673f }
.pill.grey { background-color: #767676 } { background-color: #1b1c1d }
I'm a calednar yo
<div class="calendar">
<div v-for="day in calendar.weekdays" class="day">
{{ day }}
<div v-for="day in calendar.days" class="day"
'today':day ==,
'active-entry':calendar.dateCode == `${day}.${calendar.month}.${calendar.year}`,
<!-- v-on:click="openDayData(`${day}.${calendar.month}.${calendar.year}`)" -->
<span class="number">{{ day }}</span>
<!-- {{ `${day}.${calendar.month}.${calendar.year}` }} -->
<span class="pill-container" v-for="(entry, dateCode) in getChartData" v-if="dateCode == `${day}.${calendar.month}.${calendar.year}`">
v-for="(dayData, fieldId) in entry"
v-if="showZeroValuesCheck(dayData.value, fieldId)"
:class="[$parent.$parent.getFieldColor(fieldId), {
<!-- 'zero-day':dayData.value == lowestGraphValue, -->
<!-- <i v-if="dayData.value != 0" :class="`tiny ${$parent.$parent.getFieldColor(fieldId)} ${$parent.$parent.getFieldIcon(fieldId)} icon`"></i> -->
<!-- <span v-else class="icon-spacer"></span>
<span v-if="dayData.value > lowestGraphValue-1" class="big-day">
<i v-if="!hideIcons" :class="`tiny white ${$parent.$parent.getFieldIcon(fieldId)} icon`"></i>
<span v-if="!hideValues">
{{ getDayValue(fieldId, dayData.value) }}
<!-- <span v-for="fieldId in graph.fieldIds"></span> -->
// let chartData = {}
export default {
props: [
'graphOptions', // options associated with this graph
'graph', // options associated with this graph
'userFields', // all field attributes
'tempChartDays', // number of days to display
'cycleData', // all users metric data
'editGraphs', // display additional edit options
// Graph options
'showZeroValues', // Hide graph data with value of zero
'showTextValues', // Show button text or button value
'connectDays', // Calculates next and previous day connections.
'hideValues', // Hide all values on the graph
'hideIcons', // option to hide icons
data: function(){
return {
calendar: {
dateObject: null,
dateCode: null,
monthName: '',
month: '',
year: '',
days: [],
weekdays: ['S','M','T','W','T','F','S'],
today: 0,
chartDateCodes: [], // array of date codes in chart
listDateCodes: [],
dayList: true,
lowestGraphValue: 0,
this.setupCalendar(new Date())
computed: {
let chartData = {}
let chartValues = []
// iterate every day in month by day code
this.chartDateCodes.forEach((chartDayCode, codeIndex) => {
// lookup data for that day
const cycleDayData = this.cycleData[chartDayCode]
// if chart data is set for this day
if( cycleDayData && Object.keys(cycleDayData).length > 0){
chartData[chartDayCode] = {}
// go over each field to be displayed on graph
this.graph.fieldIds.forEach((graphFieldId) => {
if( cycleDayData[graphFieldId] == undefined ){
// track all chart values
chartData[chartDayCode][graphFieldId] = {
didLast: false,
lastHigh: false,
didNext: false,
nextHigh: false,
value: cycleDayData[graphFieldId]
this.lowestGraphValue = Math.min(...chartValues)
// determine next and previous states for display
this.chartDateCodes.forEach((chartDayCode, codeIndex) => {
if(chartData[chartDayCode] && this.connectDays){
const previousDateCode = this.chartDateCodes[codeIndex-1]
const nextDateCode = this.chartDateCodes[codeIndex+1]
Object.keys(chartData[chartDayCode]).forEach((graphFieldId) => {
const currentValue = chartData[chartDayCode][graphFieldId].value
// check for previous entry
if( chartData[previousDateCode] && chartData[previousDateCode][graphFieldId] ){
chartData[chartDayCode][graphFieldId].didLast = true
// set low value flag
const lastHigh = chartData[previousDateCode][graphFieldId].value > 0
chartData[chartDayCode][graphFieldId].lastHigh = lastHigh && currentValue == 0
// check for next entry
if( chartData[nextDateCode] && chartData[nextDateCode][graphFieldId] ){
chartData[chartDayCode][graphFieldId].didNext = true
// set low value flag
const nextHigh = chartData[nextDateCode][graphFieldId].value > 0
chartData[chartDayCode][graphFieldId].nextHigh = nextHigh && currentValue == 0
// console.log(chartData)
return chartData
methods: {
showZeroValuesCheck(dayValue, fieldId){
// if graph type is boolean or there are two options
let isBooleanField = this.userFields[fieldId].type == 'boolean'
let options = this.userFields[fieldId].customOptions
isBooleanField = options.split(',').length == 2
if(isBooleanField && !this.showZeroValues){
const parsedValue = this.getDayValue(fieldId, dayValue)
if(parsedValue == 'Yes'){
return true
} else {
return false
return this.showZeroValues || dayValue > this.lowestGraphValue
getDayValue(fieldId, value){
if( !this.showTextValues ){
return value
let options = 'error, Yes, No'
options = this.userFields[fieldId].customOptions
const values = options.split(',')
const selection = String(values[value]).trim()
return selection
const parts = dateCode.split('.')
return `${parts[0]}`
// Determine if day has any data set
if(day == ''){
return false
return !(this.cycleData[`${day}.${this.calendar.month}.${this.calendar.year}`])
const dateSetup = [
date.getDate(), // 1-31 (Day)
date.getMonth()+1, // 0-11 (Month)
date.getFullYear(), // 1888-2022 (Year)
return dateSetup.join('.')
// visualize each day change
this.working = true
setTimeout(() => {
this.working = false
}, 500)
if(!date && this.dateObject){
date = this.dateObject
date = new Date()
this.calendar.dateObject = date
this.calendar.dateCode = this.generateDateCode(date)
// calculate days ago since current date
const now = new Date()
const diffSeconds = Math.floor((now - date) / 1000) // subtract unix timestamps, convert MS to S
const dayInterval = diffSeconds / 86400 // seconds in a day
this.calendar.daysAgo = Math.floor(dayInterval)
// ------------
// setup calendar display
var y = date.getFullYear()
var m = date.getMonth()
var firstDay = new Date(y, m, 1);
var lastDay = new Date(y, m + 1, 0);
function getDaysInMonth(year, month) {
return new Date(year, month, 0).getDate();
const currentYear = date.getFullYear();
const currentMonth = date.getMonth() + 1;
this.calendar.monthName = date.toLocaleString("en-US", { month: "long" });
this.calendar.dayName = date.toLocaleString("en-US", { weekday: "long" });
this.calendar.year = currentYear
const daysInCurrentMonth = getDaysInMonth(currentYear, currentMonth);
const monthStartDay = firstDay.getDay()
let days = Array(monthStartDay).fill(""); // Pad days to start on correct weekday
for (let i = 0; i < daysInCurrentMonth; i++) {
this.calendar.days = days
// set today = date.getDate()
this.calendar.month = date.getMonth()+1
// setup date codes for key matching on calendar
this.calendar.days.forEach((day) => {
if( day !== "" ){
let dateDay = new Date(y, m, day);
let dayCode = this.generateDateCode(dateDay)
// generate past date codes for list
for (let i = 0; i < this.tempChartDays; i++) {
const now = new Date()
const pastDate = now.setDate(now.getDate() - i)
const pastDateObj = new Date(pastDate)
const newCode = this.generateDateCode(pastDateObj)
// return codes.reverse()
October 2022
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9
// -------

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@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
@media only screen and (max-width: 740px) {
.modal-content {
width: 100%;
padding-bottom: 55px;
/* padding-bottom: 55px;*/

View File

@ -1369,6 +1369,7 @@
.edit-button {
padding: 6px 0px 0;
flex-grow: 1;
.edit-button > span:not(.ui) {
display: none;

View File

@ -285,23 +285,28 @@
// Dont do anything when not is closed.
// Its already saved, this will make interface feel snappy
// Scroll note into view
behavior: 'smooth',
block: 'center',
inline: 'center'
// this.$el.scrollIntoView({
// behavior: 'smooth',
// block: 'center',
// inline: 'center'
// })
//After scroll, trigger green outline animation
setTimeout(() => {
// this.$bus.$emit('notification','Note Saved')
this.triggerClosedAnimation = true
//After 3 seconds, hide it
this.triggerClosedAnimation = false
}, 1500)
// //After scroll, trigger green outline animation
// setTimeout(() => {
}, 500)
// this.triggerClosedAnimation = true
// setTimeout(()=>{
// //After 3 seconds, hide it
// this.triggerClosedAnimation = false
// }, 1500)
// }, 500)

View File

@ -172,15 +172,16 @@ const SquireButtonFunctions = {
//Fetch the container
let container = document.getElementById('squire-id')
Array.from( container.getElementsByClassName('active') ).forEach(item => {
//Close menu if user is on mobile, then sort list
Array.from( container.getElementsByClassName('active') ).forEach(item => {
@ -190,53 +191,57 @@ const SquireButtonFunctions = {
//Fetch the container
let container = document.getElementById('squire-id')
//Go through each item, on first level, look for Unordered Lists
container.childNodes.forEach( (node) => {
if(node.nodeName == 'UL'){
//Close menu if user is on mobile, then sort list
//Create two categories, done and not done list items
let undoneElements = document.createDocumentFragment()
//Go through each item in each list we found
node.childNodes.forEach( (checkListItem, index) => {
//Go through each item, on first level, look for Unordered Lists
container.childNodes.forEach( (node) => {
if(node.nodeName == 'UL'){
//Skip Embedded lists, they are handled with the list item above them. Keep lists with intented items together
if(checkListItem.nodeName == 'UL'){
//Create two categories, done and not done list items
let undoneElements = document.createDocumentFragment()
//Check if list item has active class
const checkedItem = checkListItem.classList.contains('active')
//Go through each item in each list we found
node.childNodes.forEach( (checkListItem, index) => {
//Check if the next item is a list, Keep lists with intented items together
let sublist = null
if(node.childNodes[index+1] && node.childNodes[index+1].nodeName == 'UL'){
sublist = node.childNodes[index+1]
//Push checked items and their sub lists to the done set
undoneElements.appendChild( checkListItem.cloneNode(true) )
undoneElements.appendChild( sublist.cloneNode(true) )
//Skip Embedded lists, they are handled with the list item above them. Keep lists with intented items together
if(checkListItem.nodeName == 'UL'){
//Check if list item has active class
const checkedItem = checkListItem.classList.contains('active')
//Check if the next item is a list, Keep lists with intented items together
let sublist = null
if(node.childNodes[index+1] && node.childNodes[index+1].nodeName == 'UL'){
sublist = node.childNodes[index+1]
//Remove all HTML from node, push unfinished items, then finished below them
node.innerHTML = null
//Push checked items and their sub lists to the done set
//Close menu if user is on mobile, then sort list
undoneElements.appendChild( checkListItem.cloneNode(true) )
undoneElements.appendChild( sublist.cloneNode(true) )
//Remove all HTML from node, push unfinished items, then finished below them
node.innerHTML = null
}, 600)
@ -246,61 +251,65 @@ const SquireButtonFunctions = {
//Fetch the container
let container = document.getElementById('squire-id')
//Go through each item, on first level, look for Unordered Lists
container.childNodes.forEach( (node) => {
if(node.nodeName == 'UL'){
//Close menu if user is on mobile
//Create two categories, done and not done list items
let doneElements = document.createDocumentFragment()
let undoneElements = document.createDocumentFragment()
//Go through each item in each list we found
node.childNodes.forEach( (checkListItem, index) => {
//Go through each item, on first level, look for Unordered Lists
container.childNodes.forEach( (node) => {
if(node.nodeName == 'UL'){
//Skip Embedded lists, they are handled with the list item above them. Keep lists with intented items together
if(checkListItem.nodeName == 'UL'){
//Create two categories, done and not done list items
let doneElements = document.createDocumentFragment()
let undoneElements = document.createDocumentFragment()
//Check if list item has active class
const checkedItem = checkListItem.classList.contains('active')
//Go through each item in each list we found
node.childNodes.forEach( (checkListItem, index) => {
//Check if the next item is a list, Keep lists with intented items together
let sublist = null
if(node.childNodes[index+1] && node.childNodes[index+1].nodeName == 'UL'){
sublist = node.childNodes[index+1]
//Push checked items and their sub lists to the done set
doneElements.appendChild( checkListItem.cloneNode(true) )
doneElements.appendChild( sublist.cloneNode(true) )
//Skip Embedded lists, they are handled with the list item above them. Keep lists with intented items together
if(checkListItem.nodeName == 'UL'){
} else {
//Check if list item has active class
const checkedItem = checkListItem.classList.contains('active')
undoneElements.appendChild( checkListItem.cloneNode(true) )
undoneElements.appendChild( sublist.cloneNode(true) )
//Check if the next item is a list, Keep lists with intented items together
let sublist = null
if(node.childNodes[index+1] && node.childNodes[index+1].nodeName == 'UL'){
sublist = node.childNodes[index+1]
//Push checked items and their sub lists to the done set
//Remove all HTML from node, push unfinished items, then finished below them
node.innerHTML = null
doneElements.appendChild( checkListItem.cloneNode(true) )
doneElements.appendChild( sublist.cloneNode(true) )
//Close menu if user is on mobile
} else {
undoneElements.appendChild( checkListItem.cloneNode(true) )
undoneElements.appendChild( sublist.cloneNode(true) )
//Remove all HTML from node, push unfinished items, then finished below them
node.innerHTML = null
@ -310,6 +319,9 @@ const SquireButtonFunctions = {
//Fetch the container
let container = document.getElementById('squire-id')
//Close menu if user is on mobile, then sort list
// simple function that trys to evaluate javascript
const shittyMath = (string) => {
//Remove all chars but math chars
@ -322,38 +334,39 @@ const SquireButtonFunctions = {
//Go through each item, on first level, look for Unordered Lists
container.childNodes.forEach( (node) => {
const line = node.innerText.trim()
//Go through each item, on first level, look for Unordered Lists
container.childNodes.forEach( (node) => {
// = sign exists and its the last character in the string
if(line.indexOf('=') != -1 && (line.length-1) == line.indexOf('=')){
const line = node.innerText.trim()
//Pull out everything before the formula and try to evaluate it
const formula = line.split('=').shift()
const output = shittyMath(formula)
// = sign exists and its the last character in the string
if(line.indexOf('=') != -1 && (line.length-1) == line.indexOf('=')){
//If its a number and didn't throw an error, update the line
if(!isNaN(output) && output != null){
//Pull out everything before the formula and try to evaluate it
const formula = line.split('=').shift()
const output = shittyMath(formula)
//Since there is HTML in the line, splice in the number after the = sign
let equalLocation = node.innerHTML.indexOf('=')
let newLine = node.innerHTML.slice(0, equalLocation+1).trim()
newLine += ` ${output}`
newLine += node.innerHTML.slice(equalLocation+1).trim()
//If its a number and didn't throw an error, update the line
if(!isNaN(output) && output != null){
//Slam in that new HTML with the output
node.innerHTML = newLine
//Since there is HTML in the line, splice in the number after the = sign
let equalLocation = node.innerHTML.indexOf('=')
let newLine = node.innerHTML.slice(0, equalLocation+1).trim()
newLine += ` ${output}`
newLine += node.innerHTML.slice(equalLocation+1).trim()
//Slam in that new HTML with the output
node.innerHTML = newLine
//Close menu if user is on mobile, then sort list

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<style scoped> {
padding: 10px 0 40px !important;
box-sizing: border-box;
@ -233,16 +233,26 @@
.an-graph {
background: #fefefe82;
.days-ago-display {
font-size: 0.7em;
.input-grid {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
flex-wrap: nowrap;
justify-content: flex-start;
.bottom.aligned.row {
flex: 1 1 auto;
<div class="squire-box no-padding" ref="scrollcontainer">
<!-- intro modal -->
<modal v-if="!noteId" :click-out-close="false">
<div class="ui segment">
<div class="ui center aligned middle aligned grid">
@ -273,10 +283,10 @@
<!-- section 1 entry -->
<section class="swipe-section">
<section class="swipe-section" v-if="true">
<!-- <delete-button v-if="noteId > 0" class="ui small button" :note-id="noteId" /> -->
<div class="ui small centered dividing header">
Metric Tracking Bet
Metric Tracking
<span class="sub header"><i class="small lock icon"></i>All data Encrypted. Only accessible by you.</span>
@ -314,10 +324,18 @@
<!-- data input -->
<div class="ui basic segment">
<div class="ui very compact grid">
<div class="ui twelve wide middle aligned column">
<div class="four wide column"></div>
<div class="ui eight wide middle aligned center aligned column">
<div class="ui header">
Entry for {{ calendar.monthName }},
<span :class="{'loading-day-title':loadingDay}">{{ }}</span>
<span :class="{'loading-day-title':loadingDay}">
{{ calendar.monthName }}
{{ }}, {{ calendar.dayName }}
<span class="days-ago-display">
<!-- <span v-if="calendar.daysAgo == 0">Today</span> -->
<span v-if="calendar.daysAgo == 1"><br>{{ calendar.daysAgo }} day ago</span>
<span v-if="calendar.daysAgo > 1"><br>{{ calendar.daysAgo }} days ago</span>
<div class="ui four wide right aligned middle aligned column">
@ -339,77 +357,89 @@
<div class="ui form" :class="{'loading-day':loadingDay}">
<draggable v-model="fields" class="ui compact grid" ghost-class="ghost" @end="onDragEnd" handle=".draggable">
<div v-for="field in fields" :key="field"
:class="userFields[field]?.width ? userFields[field]?.width+' wide column':'eight wide column'">
<!-- field label display -->
<div class="ui very compact grid">
<div class="ui sixteen wide center aligned column">
<i :class="`${getFieldColor(field)} ${getFieldIcon(field)} icon`"></i>
<b>{{ userFields[field]?.label }}</b>
<span>{{ field }}</span>
:class="userFields[field]?.width ? userFields[field]?.width+' wide stretched column':'eight wide stretched column'">
<!-- float -->
<div v-if="userFields[field]?.type == 'float'" class="ui fluid input">
<input type="text" :placeholder="userFields[field]?.label" v-on:keyup="e => saveField(field," :value="openDay[field]">
<!-- range -->
<div v-if="userFields[field]?.type == 'shortRange'">
<div :class="{green:(openDay[field] == 1)}" v-on:click="saveField(field, 1)" class="ui button">1</div>
<div :class="{green:(openDay[field] == 2)}" v-on:click="saveField(field, 2)" class="ui button">2</div>
<div :class="{green:(openDay[field] == 3)}" v-on:click="saveField(field, 3)" class="ui button">3</div>
<div :class="{green:(openDay[field] == 4)}" v-on:click="saveField(field, 4)" class="ui button">4</div>
<div :class="{green:(openDay[field] == 5)}" v-on:click="saveField(field, 5)" class="ui button">5</div>
<!-- text area -->
<div v-if="userFields[field]?.type == 'text'">
<textarea rows="3" v-on:keyup="e => saveField(field,, 2000)" :value="openDay[field]">
<!-- boolean -->
<div v-if="userFields[field]?.type == 'boolean'">
<div :class="{green:(openDay[field] == 1)}" v-on:click="saveField(field, 1)" class="ui button">Yes</div>
<div :class="{green:(openDay[field] == 2)}" v-on:click="saveField(field, 2)" class="ui button">No</div>
<div v-if="['sex','period','mucus','pms'].includes(userFields[field]?.type)">
<div class="option-buttons">
<div :class="{green:(openDay[field] == key)}" v-on:click="saveField(field, key)" class="ui compact button" v-for="(item,key) in fieldTypes[userFields[field]?.type].split(',')">{{ item }}</div>
<div v-if="userFields[field]?.type == 'custom'">
<div class="option-buttons">
v-for="(item, value) in userFields[field]?.customOptions.split(',')"
v-on:click="saveField(field, value)"
:class="{green:(openDay[field] == value) && openDay[field] !== ''}"
class="ui compact button">
{{ item.trim() }}
<div class="ui very compact grid input-grid">
<!-- field label display -->
<div class="row">
<div class="ui sixteen wide column">
<b><i :class="`${getFieldColor(field)} ${getFieldIcon(field)} icon`"></i>
{{ userFields[field]?.label }}</b>
<!-- <span>{{ field }}</span> -->
<!-- input display -->
<div class="row">
<div class="sixteen wide column">
<div class="ui very compact grid">
<div class="ui six wide column">
<span v-on:click="editField(field)">
<i class="clickable grey edit outline icon"></i>
<!-- float -->
<div v-if="userFields[field]?.type == 'float'" class="ui fluid input">
<input type="text" :placeholder="userFields[field]?.label" v-on:keyup="e => saveField(field," :value="openDay[field]">
<!-- range -->
<div v-if="userFields[field]?.type == 'shortRange'">
<div :class="{green:(openDay[field] == 1)}" v-on:click="saveField(field, 1)" class="ui button">1</div>
<div :class="{green:(openDay[field] == 2)}" v-on:click="saveField(field, 2)" class="ui button">2</div>
<div :class="{green:(openDay[field] == 3)}" v-on:click="saveField(field, 3)" class="ui button">3</div>
<div :class="{green:(openDay[field] == 4)}" v-on:click="saveField(field, 4)" class="ui button">4</div>
<div :class="{green:(openDay[field] == 5)}" v-on:click="saveField(field, 5)" class="ui button">5</div>
<!-- text area -->
<div v-if="userFields[field]?.type == 'text'">
<textarea rows="3" v-on:keyup="e => saveField(field,, 2000)" :value="openDay[field]">
<!-- boolean -->
<div v-if="userFields[field]?.type == 'boolean'">
<div class="option-buttons">
<div :class="{green:(openDay[field] == 1)}" v-on:click="saveField(field, 1)" class="ui compact button">Yes</div>
<div :class="{green:(openDay[field] == 2)}" v-on:click="saveField(field, 2)" class="ui compact button">No</div>
<div v-if="['sex','period','mucus','pms'].includes(userFields[field]?.type)">
<div class="option-buttons">
<div :class="{green:(openDay[field] == key)}" v-on:click="saveField(field, key)" class="ui compact button" v-for="(item,key) in fieldTypesDef[userFields[field]?.type].split(',')">{{ item }}</div>
<div v-if="userFields[field]?.type == 'custom'">
<div class="option-buttons">
v-for="(item, value) in userFields[field]?.customOptions.split(',')"
v-on:click="saveField(field, value)"
:class="{green:(openDay[field] == value) && openDay[field] !== ''}"
class="ui compact button">
{{ item.trim() }}
<div class="four wide center aligned column draggable">
<i class="grey grip lines icon"></i>
<div class="ui six wide right aligned column">
<span v-if="openDay[field] !== ''" v-on:click="saveField(field, '')">
<i class="grey clickable reply icon"></i>
<div class="bottom aligned row">
<div class="ui six wide column">
<span v-on:click="editField(field)">
<i class="clickable grey edit outline icon"></i>
<div class="four wide center aligned column draggable">
<i class="grey grip lines icon"></i>
<div class="ui six wide right aligned column">
<span v-if="openDay[field] !== ''" v-on:click="saveField(field, '')">
<i class="grey clickable reply icon"></i>
@ -420,7 +450,7 @@
<!-- section 2 analysis -->
<section class="swipe-section">
<section class="swipe-section" v-if="!loading">
<div class="ui small centered dividing header">
Review Data
@ -445,7 +475,7 @@
<!-- calendar -->
<div class="calendar">
<div class="calendar" v-if="false">
<div v-for="day in calendar.weekdays" class="day">
{{ day }}
@ -476,7 +506,7 @@
<div class="ui segment">
<div class="ui segment" v-if="false">
<a class="ui clickable" v-on:click="toggleFolded('key')">
<i class="tiny circular blue clickable plus icon"></i>
Calendar Explanation
@ -558,31 +588,40 @@
<!-- Temp graph -->
<div class="ui basic segment" >
<div class="ui dividing header">
Chart data for the last {{ tempChartDays }} days
Chart data for the last {{ tempChartDays }} entries
<div class="ui tiny compact fluid buttons">
<div :class="{'green':(tempChartDays == 1000000)}" v-on:click="tempChartDays = 1000000; graphCurrentData()" class="ui button">ALL</div>
<div :class="{'green':(tempChartDays == 90)}" v-on:click="tempChartDays = 90; graphCurrentData()" class="ui button">90</div>
<div :class="{'green':(tempChartDays == 60)}" v-on:click="tempChartDays = 60; graphCurrentData()" class="ui button">60</div>
<div :class="{'green':(tempChartDays == 30)}" v-on:click="tempChartDays = 30; graphCurrentData()" class="ui button">30</div>
<div :class="{'green':(tempChartDays == 7)}" v-on:click="tempChartDays = 7; graphCurrentData()" class="ui button">7</div>
<div :class="{'green':(tempChartDays == 1000000)}" v-on:click="tempChartDays = 1000000; " class="ui button">ALL</div>
<div :class="{'green':(tempChartDays == 90)}" v-on:click="tempChartDays = 90; " class="ui button">90</div>
<div :class="{'green':(tempChartDays == 60)}" v-on:click="tempChartDays = 60; " class="ui button">60</div>
<div :class="{'green':(tempChartDays == 30)}" v-on:click="tempChartDays = 30; " class="ui button">30</div>
<div :class="{'green':(tempChartDays == 15)}" v-on:click="tempChartDays = 15; " class="ui button">15</div>
<div :class="{'green':(tempChartDays == 7)}" v-on:click="tempChartDays = 7; " class="ui button">7</div>
<!-- <div id="graphdiv" style="width: 100%; min-height: 320px;"></div> -->
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<div v-for="(graph, index) in graphs" class="an-graph">
<div class="ui small dividing header">
{{ graph?.title }}
<div :id="`graphdiv${index}`" style="width: 100%; min-height: 320px;"></div>
<div class="ui very padded basic segment">
<!-- notes -->
<div class="ui basic segment">
<div class="ui basic segment" v-if="false">
<div class="ui clickable" v-on:click="toggleFolded('notes')">
<i class="tiny circular blue clickable plus icon"></i>
Additional Notes
@ -780,21 +819,21 @@
<div v-for="(entry, key) in fieldDefinition" class="row" v-if="!['id'].includes(key)">
<div v-if="fieldDefinitionOptions[key]" class="sixteen wide column">
<div v-if="fieldDefinitionOptionsDef[key]" class="sixteen wide column">
{{ mapFormTerm(key) }}
<div v-if="fieldDefinitionOptions[key].type == 'text'" class="ui fluid input">
<div v-if="fieldDefinitionOptionsDef[key].type == 'text'" class="ui fluid input">
<input type="text" :value="editFieldObject[key]" v-on:keyup="e => setNewFieldOption(e, key)">
<div v-if="fieldDefinitionOptions[key].type == 'commatextoptions' && editFieldObject?.type == 'custom'" class="ui fluid input">
<div v-if="fieldDefinitionOptionsDef[key].type == 'commatextoptions' && editFieldObject?.type == 'custom'" class="ui fluid input">
<input type="text" :value="editFieldObject[key]" v-on:keyup="e => setNewFieldOption(e, key)">
<div v-if="fieldDefinitionOptions[key].type == 'option'">
<div v-for="option in fieldDefinitionOptions[key].options"
<div v-if="fieldDefinitionOptionsDef[key].type == 'option'">
<div v-for="option in fieldDefinitionOptionsDef[key].options"
v-on:click="setNewFieldOption(null, key, option)"
:class="{'green':editFieldObject[key] == option}"
class="ui button">
@ -802,8 +841,8 @@
<div v-if="fieldDefinitionOptions[key].type == 'icons'">
<div v-for="option in fieldDefinitionOptions[key].options"
<div v-if="fieldDefinitionOptionsDef[key].type == 'icons'">
<div v-for="option in fieldDefinitionOptionsDef[key].options"
v-on:click="setNewFieldOption(null, key, option)"
:class="{'green':editFieldObject[key] == option}"
class="ui icon button">
@ -812,8 +851,8 @@
<!-- :class="{'green':}" -->
<div v-if="fieldDefinitionOptions[key].type == 'color'">
<div v-for="option in fieldDefinitionOptions[key].options"
<div v-if="fieldDefinitionOptionsDef[key].type == 'color'">
<div v-for="option in fieldDefinitionOptionsDef[key].options"
v-on:click="setNewFieldOption(null, key, option)"
:class="`ui ${option} icon button`">
<i v-if="editFieldObject[key] == option" class="white check icon"></i>
@ -865,10 +904,6 @@
import axios from 'axios'
import draggable from 'vuedraggable'
import { Chart } from 'chart.js/auto'
export default {
name: 'MetricTracking',
components: {
@ -876,6 +911,7 @@
'delete-button': require('@/components/NoteDeleteButtonComponent.vue').default,
'modal': require('@/components/ModalComponent.vue').default,
data () {
return {
@ -886,15 +922,8 @@
showNotes: false,
fields:[], // Array of field IDs
userFields:{}, // Objects of field definitions
// types [null, 'lastDone', 'pillCalendar']
{type:'pillCalendar', title:'Pill Cal', fieldIds:['JX3QD','K3KII']},
{type:'lastDone', title:'Last Done', fieldIds:['JX3QD','K3KII']},
{title:'Basal Temp', fieldIds:['BT']},
{title:'Basal Temp - Cervical Fluid', fieldIds:['BT','CM']},
{title:'Test Graph', fieldIds:['40DA6','MI9B9']},
'float':'Precise Number',
'shortRange':'Options 1-5',
'longRange':'Options 1-10',
@ -922,7 +951,7 @@
icon:{'type':'icons', 'options':['heart','smile','cat','crow','dog','dove','dragon','feather','feather alternate','fish','frog','hippo','horse','horse head','kiwi bird','otter','paw','spider','video','headphones','motorcycle','truck','monster truck','campground','cloud sun','drumstick bite','football ball','fruit-apple','hiking','mountain','tractor','tree','wind','wine bottle','coffee','flask','glass cheers','glass martini','beer','toilet paper','gift','globe','hand holding heart','comment','graduation cap','hat cowboy','hat wizard','mitten','user tie','laptop code','microchip','shield alternate','mouse','plug','power off','satellite','hammer','wrench','bell','eye','marker','paperclip','atom','award','theater masks','music','grin alternate','grin tongue squint outline','laugh wink','fire','fire alternate','poop','sun','money bill alternate','piggy bank','heart outline','heartbeat','running','walking','bacon','bone','bread slice','candy cane','carrot','cheese','cloud meatball','cookie','egg','hamburger','hotdog','ice cream','lemon','lemon outline','pepper hot','pizza slice','seedling','stroopwafel','leaf','book dead','broom','cloud moon','ghost','mask','skull crossbones','certificate','check','check circle','joint','cannabis','bong','gem','futbol','brain','dna','hand spock','hand spock outline','meteor','moon','moon outline','robot','rocket','satellite dish','space shuttle','user astronaut','fingerprint','thumbs up','thumbs down']},
@ -931,15 +960,18 @@
cycleData: {},
totalEntries: 0,
openDay: {},
openDay: {}, // current day values, updates into cycleData when saved
loadingDayTimeout: null,
loadingDay: false,
loading: true,
saving: 0, // 0 blank, 1 modified, 2 saving, 3 saved
calendar: {
dateObject: null,
dateCode: null,
monthName: '',
month: '',
year: '',
days: [],
@ -952,6 +984,8 @@
editGraphs: false,
beforeCreate() {
@ -972,11 +1006,6 @@
// Include JS libraries
let graphsScript = document.createElement('script')
graphsScript.setAttribute('src', '//')
// setup date to today
@ -1035,6 +1064,19 @@
methods: {
this.graphs = newGraphData
// re-render graph data on update
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.editGraphs = !this.editGraphs
let color = null
@ -1134,14 +1176,14 @@
const checks = [] //check
const checkFields = Object.keys(this.fieldDefinitionOptions)
const checkFields = Object.keys(this.fieldDefinitionOptionsDef)
checkFields.forEach(row => {
// console.log(this.editFieldObject[row])
// don't worry about optional fields
@ -1323,98 +1365,6 @@
const graphOptions = {
interactionModel: {},
// pointClickCallback: function(e, pt){
// console.log(e)
// console.log(pt)
// console.log(this.getValue(pt.idx, 0))
// }
// Excel date format YYYYMMDD
const convertToExcelDate = (dateCode) => {
return dateCode
.map(item => String(item).padStart(2,0))
const sortableDate = (dateCode) => {
return parseInt(
.map(i => String(i).padStart(2, '0'))
// Generate set of keys for graph length
let dataKeys = Object.keys(this.cycleData)
dataKeys.sort((a,b) => {
a = sortableDate(a)
b = sortableDate(b)
return b - a
dataKeys = dataKeys.splice(0, this.tempChartDays)
// build CSV data for each graph
this.graphs.forEach((graph,index) => {
// CSV or path to a CSV file.
let dataString = ""
// Lookup graph field titles
let graphLabels = ['Date']
graph.fieldIds.forEach(fieldId => {
const graphLabel = this.userFields[fieldId]?.label
dataString += graphLabels.join(',') + '\n'
// build each row, for each day
for (var i = 0; i < dataKeys.length; i++) {
let nextFragment = []
// push date code to first column
graph.fieldIds.forEach(fieldId => {
const currentEntry = this.cycleData[dataKeys[i]]
let currentValue = currentEntry[fieldId]
if(fieldId == 'BT'){
// parse temp to fixed length float 00.00
currentValue = parseFloat(currentValue).toFixed(2)
if(fieldId == 'CM'){
currentValue = parseFloat('97.'+currentValue)
dataString += nextFragment.join(',') + "\n"
let graphDiv = document.getElementById("graphdiv"+index)
const g = new Dygraph(graphDiv, dataString ,graphOptions)
saveField(fieldId, value, optionalTimeout){
// Dont save value if it hasn't changed
@ -1472,8 +1422,6 @@
this.cycleData[this.calendar.dateCode] = cleanDayData
@ -1499,6 +1447,7 @@'/api/metric-tracking/get')
.then(({ data }) => {
this.loading = false
@ -1532,27 +1481,49 @@
this.cycleData = json?.cycleData || this.cycleData
this.fields = [ Set(json?.fields)] || this.fields
this.userFields = json?.userFields || this.userFields
// this.graphs = json?.graphs || this.graphs
// console.log(this.fields)
this.graphs = json?.graphs || this.graphs
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.totalEntries = Object.keys(this.cycleData).length
// convert date code into sortable int
const sortableDate = (code) => {
code = code
.map(i => String(i).padStart(2, '0'))
return parseInt(code)
// Sort cycle data, newest first
let sortedData = Object.keys(this.cycleData)
.sort((a,b) => {
return sortableDate(b) - sortableDate(a)
// setup new object with sorted data
let sortedCycleData = sortedData.reduce((result, key) => {
result[key] = this.cycleData[key]
return result
return JSON.stringify({
fields: this.fields,
cycleData: this.cycleData,
cycleData: sortedCycleData,
userFields: this.userFields,
// graphs: this.graphs,
graphs: this.graphs,
@ -1624,6 +1595,7 @@
// visualize each day change
this.working = true
setTimeout(() => {
this.working = false
@ -1640,6 +1612,13 @@
this.calendar.dateCode = this.generateDateCode(date)
// calculate days ago since current date
const now = new Date()
const diffSeconds = Math.floor((now - date) / 1000) // subtract unix timestamps, convert MS to S
const dayInterval = diffSeconds / 86400 // seconds in a day
this.calendar.daysAgo = Math.floor(dayInterval)
// ------------
// setup calendar display
@ -1656,6 +1635,7 @@
const currentYear = date.getFullYear();
const currentMonth = date.getMonth() + 1;
this.calendar.monthName = date.toLocaleString("en-US", { month: "long" });
this.calendar.dayName = date.toLocaleString("en-US", { weekday: "long" });
this.calendar.year = currentYear
const daysInCurrentMonth = getDaysInMonth(currentYear, currentMonth);
@ -1704,7 +1684,6 @@

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export default new Vuex.Store({
'menu-text': '#5e6268',
'body_bg_color': 'linear-gradient(135deg, rgba(0,0,0,1) 0%, rgba(23,12,46,1) 100%)',
'body_bg_color': 'rgb(12 4 30)',
'small_element_bg_color': '#000',
'text_color': '#FFF',

View File

@ -538,4 +538,12 @@ Attachment.processUrl = (userId, noteId, url) => {
}, scrapeTime )
Attachment.generatePushKey = (userId) => {}
Attachment.deletePushKey = (userId) => {}
Attachment.getPushkey = (userId) => {}
Attachment.pushUrl = (userId) => {}

View File

@ -65,5 +65,30 @@'/upload', upload.single('file'), function (req, res, next) {
// Push URL to attachments
// get push key
router.get('/getpushkey', function (req, res) {
Attachment.delete(userId, req.body.attachmentId)
.then( data => res.send(data) )
// generate new push key'/generatepushkey', function (req, res) {
// delete push key'/deletepushkey', function (req, res) {
// push url to attchments
router.get('/pushurl', function (req, res) {
module.exports = router