Feature: Follow the happy path of a registered user As a shopper, I want to shop for a product, log into my account, and fill out the correct shipping information based on previous saved user data. Background: Given shopper logs into the website And shopper clicks add new payment And shopper fills out their payment information @happyPath @testing Scenario: Registered shopper should be able to follow the checkout flow Given Shopper searches for "Elbow Sleeve Ribbed Sweater" Then selects size "S" Then he adds the product to cart Then shopper goes to cart Then shopper changes product quantity to "2" And shopper selects checkout from cart And shopper verifies shipping information Then shopper proceeds to payment section And shopper fills out registered user billing information Then shopper places order And shopper verifies the order confirmation page Then shopper goes to profile saved payments page and deletes credit card And logs out of the account Given shopper goes to the Login Page Then shopper is able to fill out the order number, email, and zip code And shopper is able to click the check status button And shopper is able to view order detail