# importing the requests library import requests import json retCode, userPrompt = dialog.input_dialog('Gpt Snippet','Enter a prompt') # exit if no input or user hits cancel if userPrompt == '' or retCode == 1: exit(0) # use prompt as comment cleanOutput = "// " + userPrompt + "\n" # post to openai API_Key = "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" URL = "https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions" prompt = 'Use the following input to create a code snippet. Only output ES6 Javascript no additional details or explanations, only code. No other output, only JS code. Create a clear, concise output with readable camel case variable names. Make sure the code is clear, understandable and maintainable. If its necessary use existing variable names with the output. Use 4 spaces per tab. The input is:' HEADERS = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer "+API_Key } PARAMS = { "model": "gpt-4", "messages": [ { "role": "user", "content": prompt + userPrompt } ] } response = requests.post(URL, data = json.dumps(PARAMS), headers = HEADERS) data = response.json() # Clean up chat GPT response gptResponse = str(data['choices'][0]['message']['content']) gptResponse = gptResponse.replace("```Javascript","") gptResponse = gptResponse.replace("```javascript","") gptResponse = gptResponse.replace("```","") cleanOutput += gptResponse.strip() #cleanOutput = cleanOutput.replace(" ","\t") exitCode, userInput = dialog.info_dialog('Gpt Snippet Review',"Generated: \n\n" + cleanOutput + "\n\npress ESC to cancel") # Dont paste output if user hit escape if exitCode == 0: keyboard.send_keys(cleanOutput)